Snake theft

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hi guys
this is jodie from totally reptiles just letting you all know that boris is ok and has had a full vet check and he is enjoying he's warm enclosure, and we are hoping to get our sandy back soon.
thats awesome she got him back any news on the monitor idiots they are,
hi guys
this is jodie from totally reptiles just letting you all know that boris is ok and has had a full vet check and he is enjoying he's warm enclosure, and we are hoping to get our sandy back soon.

hi jodie we are glad you got boris back and is good shape, just outright disgusting some of the scum that walks this earth and share our air with if only
Thanks for the update Jodie, glad to hear he is safe and well, i bet him and Sandy get 'spoilt' for a few weeks ....
Thats great jodie! You never guess who i am.. umm James lol, remember i came in the other day, bought that pinkie? Didn't notice you were on the forum :)
and Jodie was Boris that black headed above the 4 water dragons? glad to hear you got him back =)
seen this on the local news... good you go one back, better when the other is home..
Glad they caught them! What sort of person can do things like that?
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glad to see hes back where he belongs!! hope these twits get a decent fine or wateva
Hi everyone, still haven't got the sandy back yet just thought i would keep you updated. Boris has settled in nicley. James make sure you say hi when you come in next.
Hi everyone, still haven't got the sandy back

Is the reason you haven't got your Sandy back because the police haven't found it?
Or because they haven't released it back to you?
They should have the death penalty over hear so people like that are removed form the gene pool. Before they can breed and contine to smuge the human race with their seed. If you carn't guess i hate theives.
The police havn't found him yet. I will let you know when and if they do
Hi Jodie, sorry to hear what had happend this week at your Reptile shop, l'm so happy that you got Boris your awesome looking Black-Headed Python back, l hope you do get the Desert Sand Monitor back ASAP for its own health and welfare and so you know its back with you again in good care.

When l saw a photo of the Desert Sand Monitor on nine news on Thursday 9-9-2010 l wondered if it was one of the 2 juveniles you purchase from me on the 13-8-2008 that l breed that year.
Hi yes it is one of your sand monitors I hope he is being looked after . He can give a nice bite when he is upset.
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