snake upside down??

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Not so new Member
Sep 25, 2008
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Just wanted to see if anyone could help me with this -

was really hot yesterday at our place around 40 degrees. Checked on my snake (childreni) later in the night and when i first opened her tub i could see her on her back. I opened it up fully and lifted the paper towel and she was completely upside down, thought she was dead but her head was moving. when i picked her up and inspected her she looked fine, her eyes were really bright.

would it have been the heat?? or what could cause this???

any suggestions would be much appreciated :D
It may have been the heat, extreme heat can cause neurological problems in most animals, How is the animal now? how did it react when you returned it to it's enclosure?
Try to keep the max temps below 37c,
she seemed fine once i got her out, i put her in a little bit of water - have noticed she doesn't mind a bit of a dip!! she sat in the tub of water for a little bit and was also around my wrist. seemed very bright she was checking out the floor and checking out everything around her like normal. and was fine again when i put her back. i have had their heat mats turned off for a couple of days its been way too hot.

do you think she will be ok?
should i be watching her for any specific signs??
I'd be watching for any slowing of reactions in her. Keep taking her out of the enclosure and giving her baths... you want to make sure that when you take her out she has a strong grip around your arm and isn't lying losely on you. If she becomes slow, and doesn't feel as strong on her arm, think about moving her inside or taking her to a vet.
they tend to lay upside down when they have eggs. are you sure she isnt prego.
one pair i have were mating for the second time this season, about a fortnight ago.
its been a strange season.
They also can and do lay upside down occasionally for no other reason than because they can.
They can and do also mate during the year if given the opportunity however the chance of a successful mating is very very low.
I would just keep an eye on it and try to keep the temps down (because I am guessing that is the only thing differant in the animals husbandry is higher then average temps?), But as Ramsayi has said sometimes they lay on their back for no discernable reason....
ok thanks for that, i will check her again tonight and see what her responses are, and grip around my hand/arm.

no def not prego as i dont have any males! and was only 7months old when i bought her. so im guessing after what you guys have said it probably the temp or just because!! it was over 37 at our place yesterday. thankfully today has been much cooler and will be all week. but will check on her every night, as i do anyway. hopefully that is all it is and nothing wrong.
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