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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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what are easier to keep snakes or lizards ? what are the easiest lizard to keep ,? what are the easiest snake to keep
A snake would be easier to keep.

The easiest type of lizard would either be some of the geckos (milli's or the nephrurus sp.), the bigger skinks (as in blueys or stumpys) or beardys.

The easiest type of snake would be either from the antaresia group or the morelia's.
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Snakes are great. they are easy to look after, and if you need to go away, or go on holidays, you can feed them before you go, and don't need to eat till you get back. But some find snake intimidating. Really is up to you. I would say Costal Carpet Pythons, Children's Pythons, Inland Carpet Pythons, or Spotted Pythons would be the best to start off with.

I don't know much about lizards, but I think a Blue-Tounge Lizard would be a good starter because they are cheap, native, and resonably good to handle. But you cn sometimes get snappy ones.
snakes, carpet. lizards c**p everywhere and eat constantly.
I reckon snakes but I am biased. Snakes dont run away from you like the longer limbed lizards can such as beardies. Snakes can give you cuddles:)
I think you proberbly need to feed lizards more frequently and the food is sometimes just as fast as the lizard. Plus being live, you need to look after that as well, I hatched a couple geckos and the baby crickets were so small and fiddilly. So go the larger lizards. Blue tongues don't have teeth by the way, I am a bit partial to a bluey as I used to catch them when I was younger. I was always told they dont let go if they bite (wish I knew about the teeth thing back then).

All that said I would buy a lizard tomorrow if I had the money.
Nothing is harder to keep, if you have everything they need, it's just a matter of food and water and cleaning. IMO, there is know begginner snake, really, you could go and start off with a Green tree python, and there not hard to keep anyway. Any snake would be good, but maybe not a Scrub pthon or Olive. But if you wan't something small, a Children's, Spotted or Stimson's python would be good. As for lizards, the same thing I just said about the snakes above. But thats what I think
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