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Nov 8, 2011
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Wollstonecraft, NSW
I'm looking at getting a python soon but I have a cat and will be getting another. I was wondering what people think about them living in the same household? I know the snake will be in an enclosure but I'm just looking to find out if others have both snakes and cats and how they kind of coexist?

Mine have no problems; Ive never seen the pythons strike at the glass. nor does the cat take any interest- unless you have an 8 ft Olive that could potentially view the cat as a hardy meal I wouldn't worry too much. Hope that helps ;)
same i have no problem with my cat and snakes when i have them out she gets a bit more alert but doesnt hiss at them or try and eat any of them but at the moment if it came to a tangle the cat would win but the snakes are getting bigger and soon will be to big to tangle with even if she wanted lol you will be fine =D
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There's two cats at my place and I've got no problems. The cats are very interested in the snakes, they stand up on their hind legs and look around the tank for the snakes sometimes. My olive doesn't care about the cats but I think he wants to eat our dogs lol. He's only 16 months old so he's not going to be eating anything that big for a while :)
our biggest problem with our cat is that it likes to sit on top of the enclosures underneath the heat lamps!
My wife has a couple of cats and i have a few snakes i just have my snake in one room of the house and i have taught the cats not to go in there.. none of my snakes could eat them but one of my girls is a bitch and has struck at them through tanks before. but i havent had any trouble a glass of water over the cat every time they try go into the snake room they quickly learn.
We have 3 cats & only the one snake, the older 2 are not interested at all, but to begin with the kitten was fasinated by Matilda, he would try to 'dig' his way into the enclosure & of course if Matilda saw him, she would try strike at the glass. But i think they have both realised they cant get each other now, as they are no longer interested in each other, the kitten sometimes sleeps on top of the enclosure, i assume its the same as 'newtolovingsnake's cat, he is also just making use of the heat lamp. Matilda no longer strikes at him though & he no longer tries to dig a hole in the tiles trying to get in to her!
I have 1 cat and 1 snake and my cat has also been kept out of the room my snakes in. Tho on the odd time he has gone in, the cat just looks over at the enclosure and looks at me and then he just pretends the snake its not there!
Cats,dogs and snakes don't mix in my house .The Olive has already tried to make a meal of the cat 3 times and as for the dogs they are small enough to quiet comfortably fit inside the 3 bigger snakes .
i should add that when we have the snakes out of the enclosure the cat is locked in another room, for the snakes safety...
That pic is uncalled for - save it for all ur cat hating friends in other threads.

My cat loves my big coastal. I don't think u'll have a problem keeping both animals, just use common sense! :)
i should add that when we have the snakes out of the enclosure the cat is locked in another room, for the snakes safety...

Same with ours. :) Im quite certain that the older 2 would show interest if Matilda was on the couch beside them......although im not so sure they would hurt her, more so run away & be scared i think! I swear they are the laziest, weirdest cats ive ever known! The kitten is 'normal', he likes to stalk birds, (either our pets at their cages or the wild birds that land near his run) & as we just found out, he loves mice! (a wild mouse made the mistake of nesting under one of the logs in the cat run......well Marli found it, mum & 4 babies escaped, but he got 2 of the others)
We have 2 cats and I have 2 snakes aswell. The cats don't worry about the snkaes and the snakes couldn't care less about the cats. Saying that however the cats and snakes are never on the same level as each other. I try not to make to much of a fuss when the snakes are out, so the cats are not interested at all.
whats the story behind the pic Kenshin?

Cat OK or toast?

its a pretty funny pic, though I wouldnt like to be explaining it to the missus or kids if it was their cat and it was dead.

For the bleeding hearts, I would find it just as funny if it was a dog, rabbit, chook etc being cuddled

I dont particularly like cats, but mainly because of the potential of carnage for our wildlife
Snakes don't have to be real big to eat large cats.

Yeah he was used as a \display way too early and he regurged most of it. I think he is still in captivity.
my cat and snake are fine...if my stimmie is in her enclosure....otherwise she likes to think she could eat my cat and i have been tagged a couple of times coz Vincent got to close and keiko went for her...DUMB CAT!!! so they do go together harmoniously most of the time.
I have a 8ft olive that would eat everything you throw in front of him and a cat that tries to attack everything that moves (including your legs as you walk past his hiding place) so I defiantly won't ever introduce them, but just use common sense and they are fine..
I've got a spray bottle in the snakes room incase the cat comes in, and only caught the cat trying to attack the olive's enclosure once (though i know its happened twice) and the olive has stalked the cat but never had a go at him!!

I actually caught one of the 2 times on camera (don't think the cat knew I was in there trying to take a pic)

That pic is of the damage the cat did to the foam strip when I first got that enclosure, it's no worse then when I originally found it thou, but I make sure I keep the door to the reptile room shut when I'm out.
Thanks everyone. Not keen on that scrubby feeding on the cat but it happens. If you let your cats out, I guess you've got to expect it.

My cats stay inside as I live in an appartment but even when we were on property they stayed inside. My dad and stepmum live on property and their Siamese now stays inside in summer as he's been bitten by an eastern brown twice. They've also had him bring a copperhead in the house but luckily both cat and the snake were okay.
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