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Aug 19, 2009
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Hay guys
I am getting a bit over my spotted python as i never get to see it becasue it nocternal
can anyone give me a the list of snakes that arnt nocternal??
Or any snake that isnt nocternal?
Most pythons are nocturnal. If you don't like your python being nocturnal, then don't reject it, fix the problem! A great way to do this is if you get a UV light, and turn it on for the night, and during the day, make the room incredibly dark.

This is highly impractical, and if not done correctly can mess up the snake. Also, if you are going to attempt this, do it gradualy.
think all pythons are nocturnal. i dont mean to be rude, but maybe you should of researched and leant alittle about pythons and foundout what nocturnal ment before getting your snake. sounds like the thrill of owning a snake has worn off and its time to find another thrill
Hay guys
I am getting a bit over my spotted python as i never get to see it becasue it nocternal
Interesting! I have a Stimson's python, similarly nocturnal, and this suits me because it is generally active from about half an hour after the day-time light (tracking subrise/sunset times) goes out until about 11pm or so. This fits well with me being home from work. It is also occasionally active in the morning before I go to work. For these reasons, I probably see more of it than I would if it were diurnal. Being able to see it is when it is out of its hide is never a problem, because its heat lamp is an infra-red globe whcich puts out plenty of red light, rather than a ceramic.
My Bredli are predominently nocturnal, so I have a red light set up so when I'm in their room (like right now), my kids are out & I can watch em. My boy is currently sitting in his branch in ambush position despite having a fuzzy rat only a few days ago & today is the first time since that he's come out after the main bit of digestion. My girl is on top of her rock, also her first day out for ages, she shed this arvo (lookin good too). Like Derekm said, this suits me as I'm at work during the day so don't see them anyway. Having said that, many times they (especially my boy) will come out during the day & be somewhat active.
at times like these im so thankful i work nites, staying up all nite weekends to see the my snakes being active ;)
Diamond pythons are predominately nocturnal.

Green Tree Snakes are predominately diurnal.

The anatomy and physiology of the eye is vastly different between the nocturnal and diurnal species.
Should have done your research mate.. Poor effort.

Green tree snakes are diurnal, and so are elapids
I just adapted to my animals rhythm and I fluctuate between diurnal, crepuscular and nocturnal states depending on how much sleep I've had in the preceeding couple of days :D

Drinking excessive coffee can also help with nocturnal python viewing and late night internet reptile site and forum browsing :D
depending on where it is ..whats stopping you from watching your snake anyway? turn the bright lights off ...have a soft light in the background so as to be able to see in your enclosure and you should be able to watch it on the move ...your comment about being over your pet ,because its not exciting you like you thought it would do very sad....maybe as what others had said you should have found out a little bit more before getting yourself one then want day time activity get a puppy !
It's the beauty of owning pythons, i love observing the biology of the animals, day or Night, i say except it or find a pet like a lizard, or dog
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Try switching to a non light based heat source, worked for me with my coastal, also if it's just little it just might be frightened, (correct me if I'm wrong) but don't they become more day active and confident as they get bigger?
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I am basically nocturnal, but if you want to view them just set your alarm for 2 or 3 in the morning, get up and watch it for a while
........also if it's just little it just might be frightened, (correct me if I'm wrong) but don't they become more day active and confident as they get bigger?

I've certainly found this to be the case with my coastal, 1year old when i got her, only saw her after 9pm, 6 months down the track she has doubled in length and is often cruising around, in the middle of the day, even with her Infrared light on in a bright room.....
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