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Active Member
Nov 6, 2009
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Hey all

A couple of nights ago i had my yearling bredli out of his enclosure for a bit of a hold. Anyway i was just sitting on the couch with him and noticed he was acting a little strange. So i clanced down at him and he would go hide behind my arm. As i would look away and he would quickly dart back out and stare at and start trying to get my attention. So i would look down at him again and he would hide again. This went on for about a couple of minutes before i grew tired of it.

Once i had finished playing his game he got a little upset after trying to get my attention again for about a minute. He then basically said stuff you and latched onto my inner elbow with his little jaws. the moment i then made eye contact with him again he let go and tried to play his silly little game again. :shock:

I was just wondering if anybody else has had a snake that sort charateristics or has one who likes to play games???

Cheers Nick
haha thats gold.
but no I haven't had any similar experiences.
Is this the first time he's done it?
haha thats gold.
but no I haven't had any similar experiences.
Is this the first time he's done it?

Yep it is the first time he has done it. Needless to say i wasnt too impressed with the bite :rolleyes:
I wasn't impressed when Barney bit me either...

ok so Barney is a gecko so it isn't really the same thing but still.. i wasn't impressed!
That's so funny! My spotted has similar behavior when she's in her enclosure. She peeks over the ledge at me but when I look at her she puts her head down again. I put my head down so she can't see me, and she peers at me over the ledge again. Very strange :lol: Your Bredli has a funny personality ;)
one of my tiger snakes likes to play "catch and kiss", every time i slide open her tub she thinks she is "it"...
Yeah we had a spotted that liked to play games. My hubby would hold her with one hand and have his other hand near it. She would climb from one hand to the other and each time my hubby would move his hands slightly further apart. When she couldn't quite make it across to the other hand (after many attempts) she stretched out, gently clasped her mouth around my hubbys thumb and held on while pulling her body across to his other hand. When she made it across she immediately 'let go' and looked up at hubby as if to say "ha, i did it!' (She didn't bite hard enough to draw blood - just enough to hold herself steady) Gosh it was funny!! :lol:
That's funny snakelvr. I'm glad other people have snakes who act strange :lol:
I wasn't impressed when Barney bit me either...
ok so Barney is a gecko so it isn't really the same thing but still.. i wasn't impressed!

Seriously....who gets bitten by a gecko? :shock::lol:
Well while it wasn't exactly a game, I thought it was cute the other weekend when we had been away since friday and got back late sunday afternoon. As soon as i walked into the bedroom, my little girl (inland carpet) vertually came sprinting up to the highest/closest point of her cage looking at me like she was a little puppy that hadn't seen me for weeks. I had to laugh, I didn't think snakes had that in them tbh. She has a very docile and kind personality. Whenever I do something around my computer or her cage she is watching on with curiousity and wanting to join me lol. anyway just thought i would share my experience.

What a classic

You should have it recorded next time, might be worth 'funniest home videos'.
One of my coastals was a happy wee fellow - used to have him out as a 'show off' type snake because he was always so curious and playful.

One day though I stopped looking at him while he was on me so he bit - as hard as he could - my little finger.

It definitely was NOT a feeding response - but it was almost as though it was a cat pawing at you to say 'look at me not them....'

He only did it once - he's too old now for games. But I doubt he had any intentions of playing on his mind at all. But I (in my human mind) can't account for the bite in any other way!
I had my atherton out one day and put her on top of one of those indoor clothes line things (the portable ones that stand on the ground) She stayed up the top for a bit then proceeded to crawl to the floor... I picked her up and put her back up the top again. This happened a few times and each time she would go back up the top... anyway she started climbing down and she put her head about 1cm above the carpet and just stayed there for AGES looking in my direction. I swear she was teasing me by ALMOST touching the ground...

Other times if she is on someone else, she will always reach over to me and smell me and then go back to that person. She likes to make sure I am there I think. Its adorable :)
One of my Jungles sometimes plays chess. He's not very good though - he's only ever beaten me twice!
my water python just did the weirdest thing
I went to check up on the "zoo" as i call it and it had her head upside down underneath one of her hideys.
At first i was alarmed that she got her head pinned underneath the box somehow, but as soon as i came up she got all angro and struck out at me (young waters just after feed very agro)
So it was just chilling with its head upside down underneath a hide
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