In reality the psycho snakes are the most fun to handle
I think owning a Hatchling to Sub-Adult snake is very much like being a first time parent, you never know if you are going to get 1 that cries all night, has problems with feeding or even teething problems, but the 1 thing we mostly have in common is we don't give up, we approach every problem singularly and consistently, nothing happens overnight and sometimes it can even be 6 months or more till these problems are fixed, don't get me wrong some things never get fixed 100% but at least you can say you gave it everything you have. Sub-Adult snakes have ingrained into their DNA a survival instinct that tells them "get the hell away from that big thing" or at least try and bluff it with a tough stance and mostly ineffectual bites, please do not give up on your little 1 there is nothing to fear from the bite of a 7 month old coastal, sure there might be a little claret spilled from their tiny little teeth but nothing to worry about, i think it has to be your mind set that needs to change and stop being affraid of it, if you can't change that, well, without sounding too callous IMO you have no business owning it and should onsell it to someone that is prepared to put in the time required to soothe the savage beast. I am not trying to be a know it all but i do know that 98% of all Hatchling to Sub-Adult snakes eventually settle down, "BE PATIENT".......................................Ron
I even heard on the grapevine that a less than hospitable Bredli that nearly got a holiday to "Uncle Rons" has turned the corner and now on the way to earning itself a glowing halo........8)
You are dead right Rob, it has surprised even me and that is saying something. This is a perfect example of never give up, my nephew has a beautiful 2 1/2 yo Bredli that was bought as a yearling from a breeder that did not handle his young 1s except to sex them or change the bedding and from day 1 my nephew experienced a whole new world of pain, this thing was the spawn of satan it lashed out at everything and everyone even lashed out at it's own tail if it seen it on the other side of a rock or something, Rob (Bart70) knows what i mean, he seen it in action at our local Herp Society meeting, it did not matter which method was used to get it out of the enclosure (hook, gloves, pillow case, towel, sherman tank) it lashed out, and not just once, this thing was like a gattling gun, i tried once and in the time it took to get it out and put it back i had 4 bite zones all bleeding profusely, Ok now you all have a histology of this spawn of satan.
Just recently this Bredli has decided that living in my nephews bedroom is not such a bad deal after all and has become manageable, it still stikes out occasionaly but with none of the fury which is previously possessed ( i think "possessed" is a good word for it lol) and is well on the way to congeniality, this just goes to show all that it is never really too late for your snappy charge to get it's halo (as Rob said). Patience, Patience, Patience.........................Ron
Im with you. What's a hand tamed snake?!!!And besides there is no such thing as a hand tamed or reared snake.......birds yes.
I now have three womas....the first two no probs but my recent addition as of 2 weeks ago, albeit she is only 6 months old has a fiery temperament. Will this deter me or put me off? Nope, not a chance. The challenge has been presented and I think that's what some of us reptile keepers enjoy is the ability to gain the trust of our animals to make them better, not necessarily ideal handlers.
Does he sit and shake hands? I'm not trying to be nasty, but come on!A hand tame snake is my bredli I got here, he is an absolute Angel
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I can kiss him, I can put his head in my mouth, I can grab his head, I can pick him up and touch him when he has food in his Cage without him striking or biting me. He really is a good boy
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Then maybe just be happy with himI can kiss him, I can put his head in my mouth, I can grab his head, I can pick him up and touch him when he has food in his Cage without him striking or biting me. He really is a good boy
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I think some people should keep plush toys rather than living reptiles.
A snake is a snake, all snakes can bite, snakes don't like being handled, snakes aren't puppies.
If you don't want to be bitten don't handle it.