spotted hatchie bites

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Active Member
Feb 5, 2008
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somewhere near Adelaide
just a note to find out when the best time to handle my spotted?when its out and about and not curled up....It fed yesterday with no probs at all..I have already handled it twice but luvs to bite slowly opens its mouth and starts to bite (about 5 times in ten mins ),i just want to handle it more so it get used to being handled..its around 60cm and in great condition...i use repti hand gel but it must still sence my heat or it hasnt been handled to hear some suggestions...thanks scott
Leave it a couple of days after feeding. make sure it has settled in ok. Start handling it once a week and then move up to two times and so on.
i always use a snake hook

all my pythons have realized that snake hook = go for a play/roam around so intern they usually dont bite as they come off the hook

mind you some of my jungles and woma's cant get tempermental little SOB's but as a rule i dont handle woma's unless they have just been fed a few days prior and will not handle over a week for feeding (this goes for a few of my woma's not all of them)

hope that helps
I will proberbly get into trouble for this, but ours was snappy to begin with, we handled him often but not for long throughout the day. He has settled nicely.
leave him for 2 days after feeding ( 2 day minimum) then handle once a day, i had a spotted that was a pain in the rear end bit everying thing that came near it. just hnadle it let it run through yours hands ect.
Dont worry about a snake hook just jump in a grab. At lease that way they understand that hand going into the cage is not a threat for when you need to clean up some numbers 2's or change water. i figure that if your always using a snake hook they get use to that and know its time to get out and then if you stick your hand in they wont know whats going on and will most likely think its food. just my oppion. And just keep handing the little darling he/she will come around. My mate went though 4 months of his jungle/coastal bitting him every single day like 20 times a session but he just stuck to it. now the little fella doesnt even look like biting!
thats all fine and good with most snake but some like my cape york just wont stop biting hes bites everything including himself
yer hard to let it run through my hands just wants to latch on little bugger the other night it coiled around my finger and that was fun, each time my other hand went near it .it would strike,.while the coil hand was bleedin from its hits.......all fun it too bits.....
hey Barno111
I recieved a snake for mothers day (to get over my fear) and I was slowly getting used of her and now my hubby has gone off for a bit I dont have enough guts to even get her out even with a snake hook so if scottnfranky feel comfortable doing that good for them... I love my girl to bits and she has never bitten anyone I just dunno what it is I just have a fear...
Oh yer do what ever you feel most comfortable with. As i said thats just my oppion. I feel more comfortable picking them up with my hands. They get to know your scent and warm touch. (always warm your hands). Lol sounds like a good mothers day present. Its just a mental thing, Just got to grit those teeth and grab him out. If your still scared invite some friends over have abit to drink and grab him/her out. Always helps just to settle the nerves with new snakes. and if there is some friends over you have a reason to grab him/her out and show everyone!
thats all fine and good with most snake but some like my cape york just wont stop biting hes bites everything including himself

You posted something about that once didn't you. Do they have snake psychologists?;):D
I had a hatchy settle after feeds. Also with my spotted I found it useful to give him a few moments to ajust to light changes as he was often covered.
I just have to get up enough guts and once my kids are in bed and its nice and quiet!!! and I'm more relaxed...
Yer i only handle my snakes when im relaxed. They know when your scared or freaked out! I dont know how but some aniamls do like dogs, horses even some birds. Dont just jump in a grab him if he is alsleep as well. Just let him know your presence and then just gentle pick him up. I think most people where scared abit of there first snake bitting. And even know i still become more comfortable with each snake every time i hold one.
your spotted sounds liek mine!!!
whenever i handle him, he slowly opens his mouth and latches on, constricts around and yeah, then realises he cant eat that part of my hand so he'll detach and ..bite on to another part :D
and if he see's my other hand woah its a whole new feeding menu for him.
ive been told its stress, hunger reaction, bla bla bla. im just hoping he will grow out of it :)
hes 10 months old and about 55-60cm too so im giving him some time :)

i get him out with a hook too.. he will even bite his hides if he accidently bumps them with his tail.

and holding him when hes hungry is a no go... hes syko.
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