Hello all, I've recently bought a 5 week old spotted hatchling ,I'm wondering how long they can go without a feed ? I've had her a week & so far she's not accepting ...Thanx for the replys.
they can go for alot longer than that,ask the breeder / seller for a full feeding / shedding / scat sheet so you know you bought a feeding python. and if this is your first snakethen you will need some help for sure
our darwin hatchlings (2 of) went for 7 months without feeding and as it turned out they never even had a first feed. So from hatching to first feed was 7 months. At that time it was delicate and touch and go but finally all feeding now.
If yours where feeding then it should only be 1-2 weeks for it to settle in and go again.
As said above ask the breeder, what size food and how they offered it to the snake and maby recheck your temps.
Thanx for the info , have had an adult diamond ,but these hatchlings are quite a different matter , the breeder is returning my call over the w/e ,but i'm sure i'll be back on here -you guys are v informative .