Spotted python eggs HELP!

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Not so new Member
Mar 6, 2008
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Ok I need some advice... My 12 year old spotted escaped her enclosure 3 months ago. After 2 1/5 months outside, I surprisingly found her again living under the back steps.
But heres where it gets complicated: evidently shes hooked up with some bloke snake outside and after a week back inside her enclosure she's laid 19 eggs.
So my question(s) are:
1. Legally, will I have the right to sell the hatchlings? (having been fathered by a wild snake) I live in Queensland.

2. Is it possible that maybe she has just laid the eggs like a chicken.. like without them being fertilised???

3.What sort of hatch rate should I expect from 19 eggs? From what I've read, 19 is quite a big clutch for spotteds???

Thanks in advance for your help folks, oh and by the way, she is definately my spotted and not just some other wild one. I can tell from her scale patterns... Ive had her since I was a kid!
19 is a big clutch you will know if they are slugs as slugs are a yellow colour and good eggs are white, Have you put them in a bator or left them with her? Im not sure about the legalities surrounding that. I would assume you could as she escaped, but i have no clue
would be interesting to see what come from this....hope you can keep them.
perhaps try calling the people that do the licensing for your state.
Wow! I wonder what they'll turn out like, how exciting! I have no idea about the legal stuff, but that's a cool story ;)
I know this sounds bad aswell but the worst that can happen is they desroy the eggs/ or consfiscate them and if they hatch relase the bubs, which would be better thsn loosing your pet
The legality side of things will surface when you have to submit a return of your stock, How are you going to explain breeding a singular animal on you paper work?
The legality side of things will surface when you have to submit a return of your stock, How are you going to explain breeding a singular animal on you paper work?
This is what i ment by "she escaped" as this isnt any of ballige's choice she escaped and mated with a wild male, if this was explained to epa via phone would they understand do you think?
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I know this sounds bad aswell but the worst that can happen is they desroy the eggs/ or consfiscate them and if they hatch relase the bubs, which would be better thsn loosing your pet
I seriously doubt they would release any hatchies. I'm not sure what QLD do, but in NSW DECCW often run ballots to distribute confiscated animals as they are unsuitable for release.

The legality side of things will surface when you have to submit a return of your stock, How are you going to explain breeding a singular animal on you paper work?
I was thinking the same thing, in the eyes of the EPA, it'd be a similar situation to a wild snake being taken for breeding duties prior to release. Same meat, different gravy.

Good luck whichever way this goes.
What state are you in?

Just wondering what she could have 'hooked up' with....:shock:

Wow...thats the first time I ever heard of that happening...I almost feel I should congratulate you :lol:

Its good that you found her though :D
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SP the only reason i said that is koz they r naturally occuring here but now youve said that i lol'ed at myself.
Yeah i'll definately call qpws if they hatch but ill keep quiet until then. Ive never bred any snakes before, just had her as my pet since she was a hatchling so im not 100% on whether the eggs are good... they are white but seem to have a dark color on the inside... its a bit hard to explain... ill try to put up some pics.

I put them in an incubator i made from an eski. They are sealed inside with very high humidity (i have an aquarium heater keeping a pool of water in the bottom at 30.5 degrees and it seems to be doing the job nicely (ambient temp in my house is around 25 to 27. I did the best I could without any experience or time to prepare. The eggs are sitting on a bed of dampened vermiculite from bunnings.
Anyway its all a bit new to me so I guess we'll just see how it goes...

What species of python is she capable of having offspring with??? I mean surely she couldnt be compatible with a scrub python or something massive like that?? Shes only a bit over a meter in length! The thing is Ive lived here my entire life and ive never seen another spotted... plenty of scrubbies and carpets tho!
Just incubate them, if they hatch can you not say you had a friends snake do the deed with yours?

Thats if they come out as what they should anyway.
Another spotted mate, they r everywhere usually but they have themselves crammed into a tiny crevice under a rock ect...
that is quite an unusual circumstance :S Good luck with it all and keep us posted. btw what part of qld are in?
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Heres a couple of pics of the eggs and my dodgy attempt at an incubator... any suggestions would be would be great! I can foresee needing a larger container for the eggs so hatchlings wont fall into the water below but other than that i think its ok... the second power lead is for a miniature water pump i put in there to keep the water from getting stagnant.
Oh and I am in Cairns, I should probably fix up my profile a bit hahah


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they look like good eggs mate, makes me think if the male has been around for a while then cause they smell the female out in way ...
yeah maybe just for curiositys sake i should have a poke around the garden to find the culprit!
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