stimson eggs

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New Member
Oct 17, 2007
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Sunshine Coast
hi my stimson python female just laid 12 eggs unfortunately they are all in a clump, last year I incubated them in a friends incubabtor and all 8 eggs hatched it was awesome and the eggs were all nice and firm right till the end then they started sinking in which is normal. Well this year she laid them 30th oct and I took them straight off her and put them in my new incubator using vermiculite 1:1 ratio with water whatever it is. Its only been a week and they are sinking in a little especially the top ones and I have tried the moist paper towel on the top, should i be worried?:?
id be worried if there sinking already. sounds as if they are dehydrated. maybe there to close to the heat source in your incubator. maybe you could try moving them to another spot in the incubator and putting a small tub of water in the bottom if the incubator. the tub of water will lift the humidity of the incubator. hope you can re-inflate those sinking eggs
thanks funcouple I have actually got water in the bottom of the incubator, you have me really worried now. I will just have to see what happens i guess try to get the humidity right and go from there. thanks guys iwill keep u updated
will be good to hear if you get lucky and they re-inflate. if they do inflate id leave them for 5 days then candle them to check if their ok
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