i just bought the UV bulb, cost me around $40, and its about 30cms up from where he sits, i will get a temp of the heat today when i can i have been feeeding him crickets, they both are eating and staying away from eachother so they are not picking on eachother.
Is that your tank in your avatar picture, guessing from the shadow type am I correct that you have one of the little curly UV lamps.
Here's some problems to fix up in your tank:
1.) 30cm is really at the limit of the effective range of little curly flouro UV lamp. I recommend lowering it a bit, or getting a good quality reflector for it.
2.) Two lizards in one tank with a small UV source and the lizards are keeping away from each other. My guess, the big guy is hogging the UV and the little guy gets very little. It's time for a second tank.
3.) I guess you already had the light in the tank for the larger lizard, so how old is the light. If it's older than 6 months, it may not be providing any UVB at all to your reptiles.
Tending to those issues can only help the little one.
sorry for your loss. what did you/everyone suspect was wrong?
Chin up mate, it happens to everyone at some stage, the important thing is you clearly did your best to keep him going so don't be to hard on yourself, it just happens
I feel for you, the same thing just happened to me, one, one day I was posting pics of my cute new black soils, a week later one had died of impaction. I felt so angry at myself and sad for the little guy as in my case it was an avoidable mistake, but the other one is powering on. Don't be to hard on yourself, these things do happen to the best of us.
My favourite bearded dragon ever died from a similar thing. I hatched him myself and raised him after he lost a leg after being attacked by a sibling when he was a baby. He died at a good age but I couldn't take him to the one specialist vet in Toowoomba the night he got sick. I also suspect a parasite got to him as he looked like he was in a lot of pain or even worse, the bug sprayer man sprayed near this room, which we bloody told him to stay away from! I'm still really cut over itbe strong mate, sometimes there's nothing more you can do, I'm sure you did your best!