Strange shedding issue...

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AussiePythons Supporter
Supporting Member
Jan 23, 2012
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South Australia
So my difficult feeder has shed twice in two weeks.
He's last shed was on 21/2/13 and he fed on 24/2/13 but has refused food since (Rats and Mice).
I woke up to another shed skin this morning so I'll try feed him again tonight.
Should I be worried about this?
I doubt it is mites or anything, as I gave all three enclosures a thorough clean out recently.
How old is the little guy? Often when they are young they can shed regularly like this. There have been posts on here about the same thing. Dont be distressed. When they are young they are growing quite quickly which is why they will shed often.
He is around 14 months old and I'd say 75cm at a guess. He has had various episodes of going off food for two months at a time. Finally got him eating again and now this happens.
He is kept in the same conditions as my other two Pythons that only ever refuse feeds when they've clearly already had enough or are coming up to shed. So I doubt it's anything to do with husbandry.
In comparison, his sister is around 140cm and a lot thicker.
I think the best thing i can do is try him again tonight on an Adult Mouse and/or Fuzzy Rat and see if he takes either/or.
seems odd that he is shedding with only one feed.
I just hope after all this he finally goes back to sticking to some sort of feeding schedule and isn't so hit and miss. Touch wood.
Edit: Not that it really matters. He's finally done a poo after about 2 months also. Lol.
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I just hope after all this he finally goes back to sticking to some sort of feeding schedule and isn't so hit and miss. Touch wood.

Snakes are just like people - some have big appetites, some don't. Why stress about it?

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