Strange Snake?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2010
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Ok now they say dogs always find thier way home right? well i think the same with snake. ive had my spotted python for about 2 years now, and the first year he had escaped on a friday night....i turned the house upside down cleaned the tank. everthing. No the heat light was not on. I was walking past his ''old'' home and i happended to see him there? i was Now last thursday he had escaped once again but during the day, once again i fliped the house and backyard upside down, for two days. Nothing....Tonight i kept hearing nosies in the snake room, i had put his old shed in a ziplock bag in the hood of his enclosure, i saw i cat tring to get into the hood of the tank as everytime there is shed about it they go to it and play with it so my first though was thatit was after the shed, now this was 5days later tonight. I sadly though he was long and gone... Now my cat ketp trying to get into the hood of the tank from the back where there is a clear opening. Now i had walked back into the room to get the cat out of it. And surley enough, he was there going ape crazy striking like a carzy wild snake. Twice now he has escaped and came back to his own home. After 5 days?:D

And yes i checked him well now injureys:)
I'd totally get a new enclosure if I were you, lol. That's lucky finding him twice.
Snakes and cats roaming the house together....recipe for disaster
this happened to me and it turned out the snake had never left the enclosure and was there the whole time,
(cue Twilight Zone music)
what had been happening was the snake had been disappearing into the ballast that held the flouro tube.
This was a young water python and one time, when it had disappeared for over a week, (probably coming out at night or not at all because i had turned the heat and lights off thinking the enclosure was empty).
I decided after a week or so to put another snake in the cage. An hour later I look in the cage to see the young coastal that i had just put in...and the water ython together.
took me a while to figure out where the water python had been going.
the first time he was in a reptile one enclosure and i had left the door open enough for him to get out, the second time same again.. python_boy on mates account
I had a 2ft colletti get in fluro once bazthat was about 6 hours of frustrationcheersScott
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