Stupid Questions and Replies....

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Loving your posts, good laugh.

A picture of my little guy on my fb prompted some responses that made me scratch my head. I tell then to come visit now and I'll sneak up on them with my hatchie (tiny of course).. Haha, good way to keep people away really... ;)
Loving your posts, good laugh.

A picture of my little guy on my fb prompted some responses that made me scratch my head. I tell then to come visit now and I'll sneak up on them with my hatchie (tiny of course).. Haha, good way to keep people away really... ;)

Haha Melzey, my mother inlaw hasnt stayed with us since i got Gorgoo Mwuhahahahah!! lol my plan worked :twisted:
i dont get too many odd questions as most of my mates know i have been into snakes since i was a kid but i have recently " come out of the closet" as a reptile lover in the tiny little country town i have not long moved into and that is a different story, it is like the entire town has been raised with the only good snake is a dead snake attitude, i have been called every name under the sun and i'll tell ya none of them good. i even had an 80 year old bloke go into my car when i was out on site and remove a juvinile Eastern Brown that i had removed from the work shop that morning just so he could get it out and kill it........but we wont go there as i was banned for a week after my post about that
....well everyone here anyway :lol:
I like the "do you feed them rats?"
"These ones eat rabbits"
*says something about how cute rabbits are blahblah*
my latest is what about the new baby!? he might eat it lol i explain that my coastals well fed and too small to eat a 4.5kg newborn!
Haha Melzey, my mother inlaw hasnt stayed with us since i got Gorgoo Mwuhahahahah!! lol my plan worked :twisted:

Mine told us she wouldn't, but she is going to ;) she is lovely tho so that's ok. :)

4.5 kilo newborn, geez girl! ;) (mine were both around 3kilo ;))
I am not so sure about the questions. However, the appropriate response to many such enquiries would be… My python loves to eat annoying people. Would you like me to show it to you?

For those that take you to task about keeping hatchlings in click clacks, the appropriate question is “Where do hatchlings snakes spend the majority of their time in the wild and why?” The realistic answer is trying to find a meal without ending upon the menu of a larger organism. This requires a significant degree of just plain hiding in between foraging. More than 90% of most snake species do not make it to breeding age.

I'm just getting really sick of the people who say 'the only good snake is a dead snake', for some reason i feel compulsed to slap them

People don't think before they say stupid things like that. My reply to this is always: "Yeah, well I wish all your pets were dead too." The shocked look on their faces is priceless, but if they complain I remind them that this is exactly what they just said to me. They usually get a confused look on their face while they figure that one out :D
when people ask me what snakes I have, I just say a 32ft reticulated python with a really serious face their expression are priceless especially when I add also a 2ft spotted python :lol:
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My fave recent questions; new cleaner, today, after being told that there are two snakes in vivaria in the lounge room....
"will they bite me?"
'only if you attempt to vacuum in their enclosures'
"have they ever eaten your kids?"
'not the 3 who are still alive.'
whilst pointing out the pythons in their cubic metre sized enclosures, "are they anacondas?"
'not yet, but maybe when they grow up.'
after explaining one is a spotted juvenile, the other a Darwin... "Did you find them in the garden?" (Coastal Victoria, sure!) but best of all, " when they get bigger will you let them go?"
and after all that and a 2 hour tag team cleaning blitz, she told me she was very worried that I might not have heard about the woman whose snake sized her up and ate her while she was asleep.
'Its an urban myth,'
"No it isn't, it really happened, I read it on the Internet!"
Not reptile related, but the the most common one I get from my work is...

Customer standing at bar in front of beer taps; ​"What beers you got on tap here mate?"

I generally reply with, " Sorry, sir/ma'am we don't have any taps here, only bottled beers."

Then when they point out a particular beer on tap and inquire about it I just walk off.
Sorry, but intelligence is a factor when it comes to being served a drink by me in my establishments.
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The old "what do you feed them?" is the most common question I get asked. God knows why?
I just say "hamburgers" now and people look disappointed.
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Legitimate questions I answer, like what does it eat? These people are curious and I like to share the knowledge. I breed bird eating spiders, most people hate them more than snakes.
My most astonishing question was from a 7 year old girl who was the daughter of 1 of our friends, she stood in front of our enclosure looking at our big girl and asked "Do snakes fart" i stood there a minute picking my jaw up off the floor and said "probably but they must do silent ones" str8 back at me she said "my dad does silent ones and they stink, if you fed your snake with baked beans would it fart loudly enough to hear it then" i said that snakes could not eat baked beans coz they were bad for them, she replied "Mum said baked beans must be bad for dad too" i had to end the conversation right there coz i did not want to find out where this was heading, the stupidest thing a guest in my home ever said was "If you get bitten by 1 of your snakes do you have to go and get a tetanus shot every time and do the bites come back every year like a blue tongue bite" are you supposed to answer a question like that, i just said i got an anti python bite inoculation every year and just stood there looking at him and shaking my head when he said oh cool that's a good idea......hmmmm they share our air................Hey Phantom_Fangs, there is nothing wrong with breeding "Phlogius crassipes" i did it myself for many years till i got an allergic reaction to their venom after about the 5th bite from them, had to get rid of them after that coz the doc said i might not survive the next 1, if they freak out about your pets bugger them.......................Ron
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As I keep tigers and copperheads...the most common questions I get asked is:

Q1. Do you milk your snakes?

A1. Nope, to hard to find their teats; or
A2. No, I'm still trying to find a stool small enough to fit under them

Q2. If a snake bites another the same, will the venom kill it?

A. Ummm NO, otherwise it would kill itself if it bit its own tongue or lip.

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I get most frustrated by the person who wants to tell you about thir mate with a corn/boa/ball or 5m Diamond.

On the only good snake is a dead snake, I usaly reply that I had to take a shovel to a kitten in the back yard last week. Those little buggers not only bite you, they also have claws and kill lots of native fauna.
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