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im just going by what the breader has said she got fed one pinkie every 10 days.
but like i said i fed her the other night and she ate 2 and was still wanting more she bit after she was fed also i think she only got handled by myself and hubby when we went into shop before purchasing her (only 3 or 4 times)
she gets one every 5 days is this good or dose she need more coz she is getting snapy. the rats are covered in fur if that helps

One every 5-7 days sounds ok, although there are many different views and beliefs on this... everyone will tell you a different thing, but really its personal preference... but 5-7 days is the general consensus on a snake that age... I wouldn't feed it anymore often than that tho!

If you are worried about it being snappy or not getting enough food, try feeding it one more and just maybe add a day to the time between feedings (leave it a bit longer between feedings)... Although it is not usually necessary, I do it every time I up the amount or size of food to monitor how they go with it...and then decide if I want to keep them at that size/amount or not...
im just going by what the breader has said she got fed one pinkie every 10 days.
but like i said i fed her the other night and she ate 2 and was still wanting more she bit after she was fed also i think she only got handled by myself and hubby when we went into shop before purchasing her (only 3 or 4 times)

I'd be feeding her a bigger size food item and/or feeding her more frequently i.e. every 7days... If she as been fed every 10days at just one pinkie ever since she hatched, that could explain her small size...

This is the rough guide I go by....
Hatchies up to 12months - every 5-7 days
Yearlings up to 2yrs old - every 10-14 days
And I haven't got anything older, so yet to make my own assumption, but someone said:
"Adults, every 14days +
Old buggers, once a month"
- Quoted off someone from this site at the start of the year (can't remember who, but that has and will be my rough guide....Until I learn more and my snakes grow more so that I can make my own mind up about it)
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This is my rough (emphasis on ROUGH) guide to age and size of food... from what I have learnt with my own snakes...

Hatchies - 6 months: pinkie anything up to fuzzie anything (1-3 or 4 usually, depending on size of animal)
6-12months: Hopper mice to hopper rats (1-2)
1-2yrs: Hopper rats up to medium rats (1-3)

Usually when they can eat 3+ of any size food, they are ready to go up to the next size...Thats my general rule of thumb anyways :)

Thats what all mine are on atleast.... Don't know about anything else older than that...

I usually feed my hatchies every 5 days until they're around 6-7months old, then feed them every 7 days until they are a year old and then every 7-14days after that... But everyone is different and have their own opinions and will agree/disagree with you...

Any of the more experienced keepers, feel free to add to or correct me :) Would love to hear your thoughts on these ROUGH guides....
Our hatchling diamonds first feed is a hopper mouse!

There is no nutrition in a pinky.....keeps it going but that is it.
They need hair and bones to make them grow.
I wouldn't handle it except once a week at cleaning time or to move it to another enclosure for feeding.
I have heard a lot of people say that to handle it from day one to make it settle..IMO...some it is fine..but others cannot tolerate it, best to be on the side of caution. JMO
From what you say it sounds like it is very hungry.
Our hatchling diamonds first feed is a hopper mouse!

There is no nutrition in a pinky.....keeps it going but that is it.

Very true Fay! My first snake (childreni) was fed 1-2 pinkie mice every 5 days and it seriously didn't poo for a month or two until it got moved up to pinkie rats/fuzzies...It only ever "wee'd" until I moved up two sizes and increased the amount....It did still shed regularly on pinkies...but could definately have done with bigger and better food... Its now big and healthy and one of the BIGGEST pigs ever! No matter how much I feed it its still always ready for more! I feed it twice as much as any other snake I have of that size!

My new hatchie that I just got recently is straight onto hopper mice, and it is a coastal....just for comparison there canykainn...
im just going by what the breader has said she got fed one pinkie every 10 days.
but like i said i fed her the other night and she ate 2 and was still wanting more she bit after she was fed also i think she only got handled by myself and hubby when we went into shop before purchasing her (only 3 or 4 times)

when you feed her is she showing a nice fat lump? if not go up a size or two until you see a nice size lump after shes eaten, you can always feed her 2 or 3 of what you have left or give her 1 small one and then 1 bigger one. Don't put them together unless their the same size and even then it can be risky;)
I've never heard of a snake taking a food item gently from someones hand without striking and not constricting until the owner is gone.
The big problem i see here yet again is QUARANTINE!
The second factor is there is a vast size difference in the two snakes
and the smaller one could quite well be consumed by the larger one.
Not a good idea housing together
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