Tanami woma help/guidence

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New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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Hi all,
i'm just new to this site and to the herp hobby in general. i am planning on getting a tanami woma hatchling soon and would like to get as much help and info as i can before hand. i've been reading up on general python care and such for weeks now, but if there is anything that is woma specific, i'd love to hear it as the information doesn't seem to be prevelant online. i'm particularly interested on any enclosure information and guidelines, but any advice is gold.
hi there :)
just checking what state ur in cos in NSW you need a class 2 licence to keep woma's.
Other than that i have not kept them before.

good luck :)
oh, i live in qld and as far as i know there isn't a distinction in the licence up here for pythons
Ive had heaps of carpets,diamonds and now a spotted. Would love to get a woma. Looking forward to people posting info.
you do not need any special requirements for keeping womas. enclosure set up can be the same for most pythons.
I got my woma a couple of weeks ago... Incredibly happy with him... Carlito has a bucket load of personality... :D
i have heard with young womas that they will think everything is food until proven otherwise. and also on a qld liscence i have heard that you are only allowed 2 womas or 2 green tree pythons or one of each any more than that and you will need a special liscence. but not actually having a woma i cannot tell you if it is true or not.
i have heard with young womas that they will think everything is food until proven otherwise. and also on a qld liscence i have heard that you are only allowed 2 womas or 2 green tree pythons or one of each any more than that and you will need a special liscence. but not actually having a woma i cannot tell you if it is true or not.

that is true squishi, to keep more you just upgrade your basic rec licence, can't remember the cost.
licensing qld

hi there... you can have two womas ....but the gtp's need to be aussie if not you will need an international extension ....cost $13.00....cheers solar 17 [Baden]

A little glimpse of Carlito
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