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Thanks :) It was 9x2x2 and weighed HEAPS lol.
WOW! That's a big tank! My 4ft one weighs enough empty.
Would love to have a tank that size one day. How big did your fish get to?
Ok so it's not a fish but I thought id post this picture up. It's of a ghost crab I used to have :p.


One day I bought a few feeder barbs for the tank. I dropped an algae disk in for the crab and blue claw I had in there to eat. All the feeders were around it when the crab came up from behind them and grabbed one! To my surprise he started eating it! Looked like he was peeling a banana hahaha :p


That's of my old set up. I had 4 pleco's in the tank. Messy things! Ended up trading them for a $300 canister filter at the local petshop! :p

The best fish I ever owned wad a butterfly fish. They are a type of cichlid I think :).


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The fish ranged between 20-25cm (the main ones anyway)
If you look around, you'd be surprised at how affordable a tank that size actually is.
In QLD, I'd be looking Aquariums R Us for a big custom sized tank ;)
I have a 6x2x2 marine with tangs, blennies, angels, wrasse, tomato clown, black and white clowns, a pencil urchin, painted cray, anenomes and trochus shells.

I will be loading it up with corals from the local reefs here once I have the calcium reactor set up.

Saltwater rules but is expensive and tricky. Still worth it if you can afford it.
Id love salt but I dont know nearly enough about it yet and not sure if I have the time at the moment. Im jealous.
Here are some of my better looking tanks.

6' 2' 2' Native Tank

4' 2' 2' Planted Tank

4' 2' 2' African Chiclid Tank

4' 15" 18" Native Tank

and here is a little guy you don't see to often
lol yeah i had 16 tanks set up at one stage in winter i was getting $1000+ bills
Yeah we are in melb, worse. I just got solar so Im hoping it helps but once the big tank and the pond is set up (650Lt) Im hoping Ill only need two of the others (young turtles and feeders). But of course that means Ill have spare which means native or african cichlid is an option. :)
PaulH - what species of fish do you have in the natives tank?

Twitch_80 - go natives and get an Archer! they're fantastic :) My tank is across from the front door, and every day when I come home he's sitting there in the corner of the tank waiting for me. Whenever I walk in to the room he comes up to the front of the tank and follows me back and forth. They're wonderful and you'll fall in love with them.
Im thinking of getting into fish, I'd love to have a native tank, what could I put in there? Are there any crayfish/yabbies suitable for a mixed tank?
I had yabbies for a bit, they're pretty interesting creatures to watch. They do love to climb though, make sure you have a lid on, and a reasonably solid one. A friend of mine had a mesh lid over hers, and it pushed it off and got out. She found her cat playing with it. If your fish are a reasonable size then your yabbies will leave them alone.

I also have a sole fish. Not sure how a yabbie would mix with one of those, I'm not willing to try it. Sole fish are pretty cool though, but also escape artists. They just climb their way up the walls. Weirdest thing to watch.
Yeah generally, they will have a bit of a go at fish sometimes. If you have any cords or hoses they will climb them. You need a lid.
I'm guessing theyd be fine if there was a big gap between the water and the tanks top? Are they ok for mixed tanks?

They're ok if there's a big gap, but they can climb the silicone corners and get out that way, so make sure if you have holes in the lid, they aren't over the corners. Would definetely still recommend a lid.
They are little buggers arent they but they look very cool and get bluer with each shed. Make sure they have somewhere to hide as well because they are soft after a shed. Turtle grit is great for the bottom of the tank as well because it has calcium which they need.
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