thermo's for bearded dragon enclosure?

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Very Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2008
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West End
what type of thermostat does everyone use for their bearded dragon enclosures?
seeing as its going into summer, i want to get one so their enclosure doesnt get too hot... but i also dont want it to get too cold in winter, and all the thermo's i've seen only go up to about 35degrees... and i was wanting one that went to around 40..

so can anyone recommend a good, yet cheapish thermo to use?
I dont use one in mine, well thats a lie, just for night time temps.

I plan ahead for summer and look at the days in summer and how Hot it will be.

Im using a MVB also so cant use a thermostat on that, so adjust the amount of time its on during the day.

Making an outside enclosure for my pair this summer, save electricty :)
what type of thermostat does everyone use for their bearded dragon enclosures?
seeing as its going into summer, i want to get one so their enclosure doesnt get too hot... but i also dont want it to get too cold in winter, and all the thermo's i've seen only go up to about 35degrees... and i was wanting one that went to around 40..

so can anyone recommend a good, yet cheapish thermo to use?

if you place the thermostat down the cool end it will give you a higher temps cheers bazz
curious why you need one that goes that high for beardies there baskin spot is around 40 degree and ambeint temp at the hot end between 30-32 ??
we got out therms off Ebay - a guy in WA - they come with a guarantee and full receipt. The temps go upto 42 i believe, though i currently have ours set at 36. If i remember rightly they only cost about $30 each too. To be sure they were graded correctly we put a static digital thermomiter in the tank for the first 48hrs too and there was a diff of about 1 degree so i trust them....Sorry i dont remember the name of the supplier.
Dosnt the constant off and on from the bulbs irritate the beardies?

Or do you have a CHE and run it through that and have a low wattage spot bulb that stays on all day?
Dosnt the constant off and on from the bulbs irritate the beardies?

Or do you have a CHE and run it through that and have a low wattage spot bulb that stays on all day?

Doesn't with mine... this is just for day though, you don't need them at night and I'm in Melbourne.

But I just use an Imit, old one at that which came with the enclosure - it only goes up to 30c but I just get a high wattage bulb and my basking spot's insane hot, would be a bit under 40c.
Dosnt the constant off and on from the bulbs irritate the beardies?

Or do you have a CHE and run it through that and have a low wattage spot bulb that stays on all day?
nup none of my beardies or blues are botherd by the light going on and off all day .
i use the cheap probe style on/off thermostat and a phillips flood light [ from bunnings] , i have only had to replace one globe since changing over to the flood lights [ from the reptile basking globes] in about 8 months .
Fair enough guys,
Just thought it would bother them..
Hell it would annoy me, lol.
curious why you need one that goes that high for beardies there baskin spot is around 40 degree and ambeint temp at the hot end between 30-32 ??

so i can keep the basking spot at 40 degrees so it doesnt get too hot.. as im not always there to monitor it...
Dimming thermostats dim the light, rather than turning them off, so you don't get the on/off problem. I don't use them anymore though, I just use 50w halogens, which don't make the whole tank boil like incandescents can, so when it's too hot in the beam, they can move out of it and it's all fine. This is fine 99% of the time, but maybe on those 35+ degree days you need to watch out..
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