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Sometimes I’m almost ashamed of being Australian. We spend all this time arguing over ridiculous stuff like this, whilst the Americans and everyone else just gets on with it. No wonder we are so far behind.
All you people up there on the moral high ground, think about this; if you have a snake in an enclosure, you have no right to object to this practice or virtually any other practice involved in the breeding of captive bred reptiles. Everything we do is an improvement on nature.
Ever stop to think that the reason a snake lays 15 eggs in the wild is because chances are a Lace Monitor will knock off 10 of them, Kookaburras will get 2, 2 might get squished by a Kangaroo and 1 will survive? Does that mean that the 1 survivor is the chosen one, some sort of super snake and the only one of it’s clutch worthy to breed? Or maybe it was just lucky? Do you think it was the only one with an egg tooth?
These are no longer wild animals. We keep them in a box so they are safe; we ensure that their temps, humidity, UV range, diet etc is perfect. We even spend a lot of time and effort to make sure that the rats that will eventually feed our snakes have the best of everything, I will only give mine filtered water for God’s sake, do you think a snake in the wild has the luxury of only preying on the rats that have the correct body mass index?? Hell no, in fact, chances are at some point they will come across a rodent with a belly full of ratsack and then it’s light out for both of them.
So if you’re going to be a purist, be one. Release all your animals and let nature take it’s course. Otherwise, welcome to the world of reptiles in captivity, where it’s really ok to use an incubator, or cut windows in the eggs, or change that blown heat bulb, or use a thermostat, or enclose our animals from predators, and then at the end of all this, it’s actually ok to make some money from this work. Just because it’s your passion, doesn’t mean you have to feel dirty about making money out of it.
The fact that others are willing to share their knowledge should be applauded, especially since they do so knowing full well the wowsers are going to have a go at them over it. has done more for the hobby than most with this thread. The only way we will develop and learn is if more people share info like this, and hopefully the naysayers and negative vibe merchants will be out looking for their freshly released animals to see how there doing and wont be around to stifle the progress....
Thanks CPca for starting this thread, and good luck with the bubs.
Great post Steve...
The only thing I dont agree with is this...
Sometimes I’m almost ashamed of being Australian.

Be proud of what you are... Besides, we do not have much choice as to what we are anyway LOL... What matters is who we are as individuals...

Most of the folks I have come into contact with in the hobby no matter where they come from have been really down to earth and willing to learn no matter how much they already know...

There are many idiots and scum in the reptile hobby here in the US too... This is true no matter what the locality is...

It does not matter what good you have done... There will always be some jackasses looking to cut you down somehow...

Knowledge is power... The more we share, the stronger our hobby becomes...
Actually this is not really correct...

The embryo can attach itself anywhere in the egg... Top and sides are usual and even sometimes on the bottom... It will take a few hours to a couple of days to attach itself, never weeks...

If the eggs are constantly moving, or moved on a regular basis the embryo will fail to attach untill he egg has settled, whilst it may not happen with python eggs, hardier eggs such as bearded dragons can be rolled around weeks after being layed with sometimes no effect and a 100% hatch rate.
Sometimes I’m almost ashamed of being Australian. We spend all this time arguing over ridiculous stuff like this, whilst the Americans and everyone else just gets on with it. No wonder we are so far behind.

i agree. this hobby is at a stand still and not going anywhere due to our love for the 'pure' and 'natural'. its not natural at all, reptiles arent kept in cages and incubated in tubs with heatcords, etc. i dont see what the bru ha ha is all about, albinos are rare, is ensuring he gets the most out of his efforts and so would everyone else if they were in the same situation.
There is nothing to suggest that albinos are weak genetically and their physical is not strained either... Take it from a US breeder who has been dealing with morphs for over 15 years (longer than some of you have been in the hobby)...

Albinos are not any weaker than normals at all, aside from normal complications that come with albinism like not being able to sit in the sun,,, Thats about it though... They breed the same, their hatch rates are the same, their husbandry is the same, they eat the same, they live long healthy lives the same as their normal counterparts...

It is obvious that arguments against albinos stems from untruths and pure jealousy... People are mad because they can not line their pockets as well...

I'd be a bit more charitable and suggest that arguments mainly stem from people thinking in terms of an albino's "fitness" for survival and successful reproduction in a natural environment when, in this type of discussion, they need to think of "fitness" for survival and successful reproduction in an artificial environment. It is only because all of the environmental factors that render an albino "less fit" for survival in the wild can be mitigated in captivity, that that albinos are as "fit" as normals.

The other area that can lead to arguments is confusion between the concepts of "stronger/weaker" in a physical or disease-resistant sense and "more/less fit" in an adapted to environment sense. I suspect that, if albinos really were intrinsically weaker than normals, albinism would be much less prevalent in wild populations of cave-dwelling animals.
for the knockers of CarpetPythons method, why do you artificially incubate your eggs instead of leaving them with mum for maternal incubation? would it be to get a higher hatch rate? so CarpetPythons method of pipping her eggs is to get a higher hatch rate. so IMO her method is no different to yours except she has an extra step in her method. im enjoying this thread and cant wait for these eggs to hatch and see the results that CarpetPythons gets with this method

Spot on wranga. In line with that, if whomever is so concerned with "the natural way" of things, euthanise your aberrant captive python collection, switch off the computer and head out to the bush and enjoy looking at snakes there coiled around their clutches.

All you people up there on the moral high ground, think about this; if you have a snake in an enclosure, you have no right to object to this practice or virtually any other practice involved in the breeding of captive bred reptiles. Everything we do is an improvement on nature.
Ever stop to think that the reason a snake lays 15 eggs in the wild is because chances are a Lace Monitor will knock off 10 of them, Kookaburras will get 2, 2 might get squished by a Kangaroo and 1 will survive? Does that mean that the 1 survivor is the chosen one, some sort of super snake and the only one of it’s clutch worthy to breed? Or maybe it was just lucky? Do you think it was the only one with an egg tooth?

Super snake! Best post in this thread other than the OP and her desire to share her experience.

Most of the folks I have come into contact with in the hobby no matter where they come from have been really down to earth and willing to learn no matter how much they already know...

There are many idiots and scum in the reptile hobby here in the US too... This is true no matter what the locality is...

It does not matter what good you have done... There will always be some jackasses looking to cut you down somehow...

Knowledge is power... The more we share, the stronger our hobby becomes...

Knowledge is indeed power Gregg, thanks for the input from the other side of the pond.

Actually this is not really correct...

The embryo can attach itself anywhere in the egg... Top and sides are usual and even sometimes on the bottom... It will take a few hours to a couple of days to attach itself, never weeks...

If the eggs are constantly moving, or moved on a regular basis the embryo will fail to attach untill he egg has settled, whilst it may not happen with python eggs, hardier eggs such as bearded dragons can be rolled around weeks after being layed with sometimes no effect and a 100% hatch rate.

This thread is about python eggs.

Your turn: take it from an Australian research scientist who has been dealing with non-morphs for over 20 years. Get off your seppo high horse.

Don't bring a knife to a gun fight, and don't bring unsupported opinions to a publisher. Please provide evidence albino fitness. It's really trying when people continue to assert information based on nothing tangible. "Take it from a big Seppo" is as tangible as "I pip because I want to". Diatribe is ineffective.

As Gregg pointed out, there are idiots everywhere. Childish name calling, yes we all know you refer to Americans as Septic Tanks teaches no-one anything. Very scientific.

What a great thread, other than idiots argueing to make themselves feel better. I've lost many, much needed I.Q. points reading the rubbish, but should have retained a few with the good posts that were/are present.

To, thanks for sharing your technique and real-time experience! I personally look forward to following this thread to it's logical conclusion. Glad you decided not to let the trolls keep you from posting updates, truly facinating stuff.
Sometimes I’m almost ashamed of being Australian. We spend all this time arguing over ridiculous stuff like this, whilst the Americans and everyone else just gets on with it. No wonder we are so far behind.
All you people up there on the moral high ground, think about this; if you have a snake in an enclosure, you have no right to object to this practice or virtually any other practice involved in the breeding of captive bred reptiles. Everything we do is an improvement on nature.
Ever stop to think that the reason a snake lays 15 eggs in the wild is because chances are a Lace Monitor will knock off 10 of them, Kookaburras will get 2, 2 might get squished by a Kangaroo and 1 will survive? Does that mean that the 1 survivor is the chosen one, some sort of super snake and the only one of it’s clutch worthy to breed? Or maybe it was just lucky? Do you think it was the only one with an egg tooth?
These are no longer wild animals. We keep them in a box so they are safe; we ensure that their temps, humidity, UV range, diet etc is perfect. We even spend a lot of time and effort to make sure that the rats that will eventually feed our snakes have the best of everything, I will only give mine filtered water for God’s sake, do you think a snake in the wild has the luxury of only preying on the rats that have the correct body mass index?? Hell no, in fact, chances are at some point they will come across a rodent with a belly full of ratsack and then it’s light out for both of them.
So if you’re going to be a purist, be one. Release all your animals and let nature take it’s course. Otherwise, welcome to the world of reptiles in captivity, where it’s really ok to use an incubator, or cut windows in the eggs, or change that blown heat bulb, or use a thermostat, or enclose our animals from predators, and then at the end of all this, it’s actually ok to make some money from this work. Just because it’s your passion, doesn’t mean you have to feel dirty about making money out of it.
The fact that others are willing to share their knowledge should be applauded, especially since they do so knowing full well the wowsers are going to have a go at them over it. has done more for the hobby than most with this thread. The only way we will develop and learn is if more people share info like this, and hopefully the naysayers and negative vibe merchants will be out looking for their freshly released animals to see how there doing and wont be around to stifle the progress....
Thanks CPca for starting this thread, and good luck with the bubs.

If advancing like the Americans and others means that we can no longer work out if an animal is pure or not I'm quite happy to stay behind the times thanks.

I'm not really sure how you could say that having a snake in a box is an imrpovement on nature. I'm not suggesting that we all go and release our animals either but surely nothing could be an imrpovement on nature. Or am I missing the point?

To be honest as interesting as this thread has been I can't really say that she has done anything for the hobby by sharing it. I may be cynical but I can't help but think that the thread was started so that she could get a lot of interest in her albino hatchlings that will no doubt be for sale soon. A little bit like the thread she started with her SIM containers just before the shipment was due.
If advancing like the Americans and others means that we can no longer work out if an animal is pure or not I'm quite happy to stay behind the times thanks.

I'm not really sure how you could say that having a snake in a box is an imrpovement on nature. I'm not suggesting that we all go and release our animals either but surely nothing could be an imrpovement on nature. Or am I missing the point?

To be honest as interesting as this thread has been I can't really say that she has done anything for the hobby by sharing it. I may be cynical but I can't help but think that the thread was started so that she could get a lot of interest in her albino hatchlings that will no doubt be for sale soon. A little bit like the thread she started with her SIM containers just before the shipment was due.

How can you she hasnt done anything for the hobby do you think writing things like this does anything for the hobby. And of yes they proberly will be up for sale as will everyone elses.
I think it very interesting this post and would love to see more interesting threads like this other pages of crap
I would advice all members that moderators are watching this topic closely.
There is lot of interest from most of our members to keep this topic clean.
If you don't like to watch and enjoy this thread and be civil, just stay out of here.
This is WARNING.
To be honest as interesting as this thread has been I can't really say that she has done anything for the hobby by sharing it. I may be cynical but I can't help but think that the thread was started so that she could get a lot of interest in her albino hatchlings that will no doubt be for sale soon. A little bit like the thread she started with her SIM containers just before the shipment was due.

It was never my intention to contribute to the hobby you hold so dearly Buck. How can you anticipate putting up a thread that has had 14000 views? I also pay good money to advertise my product on this site. This sponsorship allows me to advertise as many times in a year as I want . You might have missed the fact that i have received an infraction too, even though i am a sponsor. I am glad we are getting some exposure, we have worked hard enough for it.

I am sure you will have as many fans as haters of this thread. Dont follow it if it is not acceptable in your eyes.
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Begesus 25 pages allready i only looked at this thread last friday. Hows the hatchys coming along CPA?
Day 58: Day of the dreaded egg tooth!!!!!!
Well i am tipping about 3 more days of waiting. The eggs are starting to dry out quite a bit. There is just a thick membrane (amnion) left. The veins arealso starting to become less. Some have already torn the membrane. They seem quite content to stay in their hot tub. The biggest event of the day is that the elusive egg tooth has been captured on camera!!!











Behold, the egg tooth!!!




I thought i was seeing things,i can see a small snake with mouth open,look in the eye a couple pictures above.The outline of the eye is the mouth and the pupil is the snakes eye.aLL THE BEST,times nearly running out...MARK
What happened to the egg in the top right corner? They look alot differnt to when first piped, I think it's pretty clear they were undeveloped. Interesting read though.
wow congrats and look forward to seeing them out of them eggs. wasn't there 9 eggs? what happened to the 9th? also been sitting on the side lines watching this thread thinking this is a fantastic thread and wished there where more breeders sharing this kind of stuff for all to see. keep it up and I'll be interested in a few tubs in the next year :)
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