Thick Tailed Gecko egg help!

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Very Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2008
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Bunbury, Western Australia
Hi guys,
As a few of you know my thick tailed geckos have been mating and laying eggs, well now i have 6 eggs! But i think they are dead! Because they layed another clutch which i didnt know about, then i found them last night! White with dents. The other 4 eggs have all mold on them :( I do what you guys and others tell me by putting them in a container with lid, then i put 100g Verm : 100g Water or i usually do 50g of each. I just really need help, i put them in the enclosure, but now i sit the containers on the fridge, but i dont think that will work! So i really need help on the setting up egg incubation like the vermiculite then the heating!
Oh and i tried with one of the clutches some people say put them in the cricket containers well i used one cricket container(had nothing else left) and when i tried to air the eggs all the water dripped onto the eggs! because the containers are hard to open
ok guys i split the very first 2 eggs layed-both infertile, still really unsure on the second clutch as they have all mold around them :( and the third clutch have dents-but i still cant get the incubation sooooo plerase help!
What? Put them in your incubator, wipe off the mold with lemon Juice
thats weirde! thats the last thing i would have thought of, in there tank, maybe temporarily but not to try hatch them! make or put them in an incubator!
Thats what i got told, so i did it. But the one main thing is i really really need help on is the vermiculite and water mix stuff! I cant get it right, like if i do 50/50 or 100/100 it stuffs up heaps!
thats weirde! thats the last thing i would have thought of, in there tank, maybe temporarily but not to try hatch them! make or put them in an incubator!

I know of a few people that use enclosures as incubators. Also some other that have just put the egg container in the same enclosure as the parents until hatching, when they've run out of incubator space. Works fine if your enclosure is set up good (heat/temp wise).
with the vermiculite, weigh 100gms of it out, then weigh 100gms of water, add them together and mix up with your hands.... place in a container, then make small indents in the middle with your fingers and sit the eggs in the indents, with the vermiculite a third to half way up the sides of the eggs....

If your using an old cricket container, place gladwrap over the top first then put the lid on, so its sealed as cricket containers have holes in the lids....
Then with incubation get the tupperwear container do the mix up, then fill foam esky with water and put water heating in the water??? or i have spair heat cord-how would i set up with heat cord instead??
I don't bother weighing up vem and water. I just mix the two together and make a ball of the mixture in my hands and squeeze until the ball does no crumble. (hope this makes sence)
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