Well-Known Member
Hi all,
This is probally a stupid thread but i was wondering if it is possible to keep Thorny Devils here in SA. I've been reading through some other post about them, and most people have said they people keep them indoors, since there is no continuous supply of ants in an indoor enclosure, what about housing them outdoors?? Here in S.A there are ants around the place whole year round, i even have trouble keeping them out of my blue tongues enclosure outdoors. It also gets very hot here to, so temps wouldn't be an issue. All comments apriciated
This is probally a stupid thread but i was wondering if it is possible to keep Thorny Devils here in SA. I've been reading through some other post about them, and most people have said they people keep them indoors, since there is no continuous supply of ants in an indoor enclosure, what about housing them outdoors?? Here in S.A there are ants around the place whole year round, i even have trouble keeping them out of my blue tongues enclosure outdoors. It also gets very hot here to, so temps wouldn't be an issue. All comments apriciated