Tiny yearling Jungle, Just Small or sick?

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Active Member
Mar 8, 2010
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The Big Valley NSW
the hands are small-medium, female size.
30th Janfalling.jpg30th Jan11sticky.jpg30th Jan lit.jpg30th Jan11still little.jpg30th Jan11 litt.jpgOk,this Atherton Jungle Python was a replacement for another one i originally bought from breeder, and it had a deformityy in its tongue.(Ref;My previous post-about 6months ago)
I have initially, been treating this female python,as a 'runt' of the clutch(Breeder told me, refund or last one).I choose to swap the snake, but im a little worried as to what to do.
Been told,a snake with such problems, may not live very long.
Can anyone expand, on the reason it may die.
In the wild, this snake probably would not be able to take down live prey, she doesnt seem to ever coil her food, she attempts to drag it over by a wing or leg, then slowly consumes.
I have her brother from same clutch,. and he's big and healthy and fit looking.They are offered the same amount of food, yet she eats alot less, and a bit slower all round.Bit wobbly around her neck and head, also.
I am so worried as to how to make her life comfortable, she has trouble climbing, ect.Does anyone know, if extra excercise could help, ? Also ,at first i was told she was just'very,very, placid'.
When she is handled, if put on a hard surface(ie:pics on my old [piano),-she kinda climbs and clings, lioke a catapillar.Sorta pulling herself along instead of,'slithering/.If not helped she would fall alot.
When she is in my hand, she winds herself tightly around my fingers and just stays like that.9ie;pics of me working on PC with her on hand).
The need to take her to a vet, would prob only confirm any suspisions,as her eating pooing shedding all good,- she doesnt seem uncomfortable, but then how would one know?
Thanks in Advance for any advice on sick/weak/ill snakes, like extra supplements or therapy for slowly developing muscle tone. Ta.
She looks somewhat thin for her length, what are you feeding her - and how often? More developed food such as adult mice compared to pinky or fuzzy rats might help as she'll get more nutrients out of it and maybe the occasional calcium supplement and bit of sunlight could make the difference. What are the enclosure temps? In terms of extra exercise, put her in a small fruit tree or similar (supervised) but if you're having her move around a lot she won't grow stronger without extra food. If feeding is a problem try scenting food - and make sure food is warmed up to 32-37C.
At 14months,she's a steady 2/3rds less<in growth length, and weight to the sibling.She gets offered, day old quails(usually 2-5) and adult mice.(1-3), every 5-7 days.Enclosure is an upright 'Reptile one' tank, and the base temp is 32 degrees,and allow it get as hot as the day is but not over 36degrees.- it gets cooler up top of tank at night.Yer, i like to let all my snakes climb, but she does fall alot, and is very unsure.I dont like to stress her, when that happenes.
Just had the other one out back ,for a tree climb and poo, i'll post a pic of him. or otherwise, have a lot at my previous post,,-they are pictured togeather.
Any idea, what sort of genetic disorders can effect some of the clutch, but not all- and is this usual to get some 'runts'.Ive never bred snakes, nor have i incubated.
I like getting them already cooked and cooled, around 6 monthsold!
This is their set-up, they arte th large cockie ladders you get at petshops,they always on them ,snakes and ladders!
Thanks for help.
She looks somewhat thin for her length, what are you feeding her - and how often? More developed food such as adult mice compared to pinky or fuzzy rats might help as she'll get more nutrients out of it and maybe the occasional calcium supplement and bit of sunlight could make the difference. What are the enclosure temps? In terms of extra exercise, put her in a small fruit tree or similar (supervised) but if you're having her move around a lot she won't grow stronger without extra food. If feeding is a problem try scenting food - and make sure food is warmed up to 32-37C.


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how come you've made your thread twice ? Your original thread

As I said you need to go to DoC Rocks page (Southern Cross Reptiles Doc Rocs articles http://www.southernxreptiles.com/Article%20PDFs/q&a_species_together_lr.pdf and read about keeping snakes together. As he explains failure to thrive in one snake can come from keeping two snakes together with the dominant snake taking all the best spots in the enclosure etc etc.

The picture in your first thread showing the muscle tone shows there is 'something' wrong. You said she was 'feeding well' in your first thread and now you are saying she 'isnt"?

It is very difficult to diagnose from a few pics and a description.....a whole range of problems can happen with a clutch of snakes....but it does sound like a neurological problem of some sort. and as I said....if the snake is failing to thrive and is weak.....there is a chance if the problem is genetic that the snake will not have a long life and you may be in a position that no matter what you do this snake wont ever be stong and well.
As you said the snake you took originally had a deformed tongue and this one is the replacement for the original one......sounds like the breeder wasnt as ethical as he/she perhaps should have been to let you take a snake with an obvious problem like that in the first place.

I guess your sad and hard learning curve here is only buy from someone who has a good reputation.

When you say base temp is 32, do you mean that is the lowest temp. in the cage during the day??
looks like they are housed together? Maybe seperate them into different enclosures and see how she goes. It may be stressing her being housed with another snake. i would also check the temps as they seem a bit on the high side if the lowest is 32.
"""how come you've made your thread twice ? Your original thread" >>> titled "Runt Sibling"
This one, about genetics.Im certain its not a 'housing' problem and im becoming more concerned it is a genetic fault,-and i would like ANy imfo.

"It is very difficult to diagnose from a few pics and a description.....a whole range of problems can happen with a clutch of snakes"""

If you feel i have used the site wrongly in anyway, please excuse this, as it is knowledge im after here, not upsets to anyone.

First thread was regarding the comparison, between the two,-and as offered, other reasons why this may just be something minor.(housing,clutch runt,ect)
I am not a breeder, i was/am concerned about the size difference,- now im certain its not a housing/just me / over reaction,- i want to help this little girl out.
This thread is for ANYONE, that may have a similar situation and can offer ANY knowledge at all on genetic fault and lifespan of those effected.
yes, i may be emotional about it, but i cant apologise for that.
Thanks for your advice.

32degrees is the bottom floor, its heated, gets to around 25-27 coolest about 2/3rds up, its an upright tank.- And night temps are dropped.
looks like they are housed together? Maybe seperate them into different enclosures and see how she goes. It may be stressing her being housed with another snake. i would also check the temps as they seem a bit on the high side if the lowest is 32.
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