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my frogs try eat each other at feeding time all the time and they can swallow each but they only time they ever bite each othet is when at feeding time and if hey get 2 far down just pull em out, i would post pics because im intrested in what people think mine are and just to show you my set-up but i dunno how lol
ssssssnakeman what plant is in your cage?
its a $2 shop plastic plant,the frogs love the broad leaves

I disagree aztec, the spots are white, the thighs and hands are not yellow.
What makes you sure it's a splendida?
yes they are white under the 'hands' and belly and they have no white spots worth talking about
The "fat frogs" in question are magnificent green tree frogs (litoria splendida) not green tree frogs (Litoria caerulea)
Are you kidding me?? they are caerulea! no if buts or maybes. I keep both species as well as chloris and can't see how anyone could mistake them. The female green tree frogs in question are a little fat and could probably do with little food over the next couple of years (depending on temps. they are kept in). It is true frogs fed mice get fat, but the problem stems from people over feeding them on mice or bugs as the frogs will almost never knock back food. Females will need to cary alittle weight to produce spawn, but breeding green tree frogs can be tricky and it's not just a matter of having a couple of pairs, you will need to set up a rain tank or wait for a hot stormy night (do you have those in melbourne). Red Eyes (chloris) on the other hand are easy to breed, but harder to keep. good luck, PM me if you need more info on breeding.
wait for a hot stormy night (do you have those in melbourne).
We usually get cold stormy nights :lol:
ssssnakeman said:
:)they love newspaper a big water bowl and a place to easy :)

Damn...imagine if pythons were that easy to look after! :lol:

Great looking frogs Baz.
thanks jasonl,ill pm you later no doubt,ive got a rain tank made from 2ft /1ft fishtank ,should be big enough do you think?
thanks to all the others for their input ,heres a pic of the girls in a tank inside the boys enclosure,just getting to know each other :)
ill post the introduction pics later,,should be fun.. :)
the bigger the better but that may do. You will need to keep them dry and cold over winter. I use hollow logs or PVC tubing and cover the bottom in damp peat moss, you won't see them much for three months but the females will come out in spring full of spawn (can be seen as black speckles through their skin in front of their hind legs, at this time you need to keep the males away from them but in sight of them (over eager males can cause females to drop their spawn before it's ready) then by late spring/early summer introduce one male to females and keep the other close so they can hear each other. Use heated water and best on on night when you have a huge storm with thunder and heaps of rain. eggs take 24 hours to hatch if viable.
lol Those guys, and gals, are way too porky! :lol: I find it a little unnecessary to go feeding them things like pink rats and mice. Mine ate nothing but moths and roaches & brown beetles over the time I had them without a single problem. Personally I think some go overboard with getting them to eat bigger meals than is really necessary. Certainly I also believe it's important to hibernate them.

ps: on saying that, they don't look sickly. Quite jolly actually :p
my males get mice every 2 to 3 months,the rest of the time its crix and whatever inverts i can catch in the mothtrap
i dont think its to much and my males look great,,
the new females which are the 'overweight' ones have been fed nothing but crix,,

Personally I think some go overboard with getting them to eat bigger meals than is really necessary.
watchoo talkin bout luke??
How are they doing?

I have two huge GTF's (not overweights just very large)...

Do yours croak much? When I changed my enclosure around from having a water dish at the bottom to having the whole bottom covered in water they croaked hardcore for about 3 nights. Their croak was not a pleasant one at all! overly loud and continuous!
We have hundreds around our yard, after rain it is just about unbearable the ammount of noise they make!
they croak when theyr happy i reckon :)
the two new girls are going great and have been losing weight nicely.
i just took this pic,lol, trying to get them to pose for a photo is qite a mission
Gorgeous looking frogs ssssnakeman, regardless of their size. Some awesome photos too!
nice frogs. they are all the same species right, the one on the right looks different compared to the others.

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