Trouble Shedding

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Not so new Member
Feb 6, 2009
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my Stimson python is almost 2 years,
and its last shed was a bit of a disaster,
it was all broken and there is a piece still stuck on, from behind one of its eyes and it goes on for about 4 cm on one side,
i think the temps were a bit wrong when it was due to shed, my thermostat plug was knocked a little out of the plug
but nothing ive tried has made the last piece come loose, and my snake is starting to get agitated,
i tried rubbing it gently and sticking it in a wet pillow case for a bit before trying to rub it again but obviously it doesnt exactly enjoy me touching its head.
but it was about 2 months ago now and its still stuck, and it looks almost like the skin beneath hasnt grown or something- can that happen?

please help, im not sure what to do.
the reason why it bits were sticking on was because it was to dry, does it look a bit gritty, crusty? thats a retained shed. just give her a bath in warm water and it should come off, had the same problem with my blueys
You've tried a number of regulation ways to fix this problem and they haven't worked... Now 2 months have elapsed and you say the skin underneath looks like it's hasn't grown, frankly, it's time to take your python to an experienced reptile vet.

When my male Stimson's had a bad shed because of low temperatures (in May) he was able to complete a FULL shed, taking the old skin with it, just 7 days later after the temperature/humidity problem had been remedied.

Good luck : )-<
You dont want to be doing anything around the eye/eyes unless you are 100% confident you can remove it you are not ,and this was why I asked for a pic ,dont touch it ...either get it to an experienced keeper ,that may have dealt with things like this ,or see a vet could do severe eye damage if you dont know what you are doing .
next time you see your snake going into shed spray it morning and night with a fine mist of water and shed should all come away in one piece.

you should be checking your temps and probe locations every couple of days

just posted this b4 hahaha ...have you put her in a click clack with warm water on a heat mat under to warm it up to about 32...use plenty of kitchen paper towel and totally cover the bottom but with about inch of water above the paper and build up one side so the python has a place to rest her head..once in there you can even cover the tail with the wet towel to help the soaking :) then u can cover the click clack with something so its nice and dark an she will sit and relax..keep an eye on her thou..within about an hour it should be ready to come might need to help her get it off ..letting her slide thru your fingers or even help by try rolling it off..but only when it is nice and soft and ready...
hope that helps :D
You've tried a number of regulation ways to fix this problem and they haven't worked... Now 2 months have elapsed and you say the skin underneath looks like it's hasn't grown, frankly, it's time to take your python to an experienced reptile vet.

When my male Stimson's had a bad shed because of low temperatures (in May) he was able to complete a FULL shed, taking the old skin with it, just 7 days later after the temperature/humidity problem had been remedied.

Good luck : )-<


Can't imagine why it has been left for 2 months!
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