turtle size

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That depends on how much they are fed. If they are over fed they will grow very fast very quickly, which isnt good for them.

I keep growth rate charts of all my turtles. A 50c coin is 32mm in diameter, It take my juveniles 28 - 35 weeks to go from 32mm to 64mm SCL.

Its pretty on track with wild growth rates.
does the growth rate slow a lil after that or does it continue at that rate til near adult size.

thanks strange1
Im interested to know aswell...
Strange1 with your grow rate charts, do you weigh them and keep a record of that aswell?
tatelina : Yes I weigh and measure all of my turtles every week to keep track and make sure they are all getting food :)

azza74 : Turtles can live for a very long time I have some that are 195mm SCL and they havnt grown any length in the last few months at all. I have a website I made HERE hope it helps
Strange1, a quick question if I may - you mention on the web site a normal fluorescent for 10-12 hours, then you mention a UVA/UVB light. It reads as though you need both. Can you just use a single UVA/UVB fluorescent on a 10-12hr timer as their only light? Plus heatlamp of course.

Thanks. Nice web site.
now for my dumb question of the week, whats SCL mean???
cool website too.. really dig the pic of the juvi on its back (orange colour), was it for sale recently, i remember that pic from somewhere?
Falconboy : You normally use both. A UVA/B fluro doesnt really light up a tank. U need the normaly lights to brighten it up :)

Azza74 : SCL = Straight Carapace Length... The length of the shell. Nope that juvi wasnt for sale and I took the pic myself (As I did with all pics on my site) Alot of them are coloured as hatchlings, this fades to cream when they get older.
Growth rate also depends on the species, some grow faster than others, Chelodina expansa can reach the size of a normal adult longneck within one year, yet some shortnecks are painfully slow growing.
Its mainly to do with feeding though. Not long back someone posted pics of 18 month old shortnecks that were crowding a 3ft tank :/
Is there any reason why you couldn't use a double fluorescent fitting and just fit a standard globe (does it need to be a 'daylight' or just to light the tank - ie for us to see) to one and the UVA/UVB to the other?

Thanks again.
Nope thats fine, its what I use on some of my tanks. One UV tube and any normal fluro
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