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Doesn't look at all Darwinish to me, I can't really see metcalfei either (although it wouldn't suprise me) and to my eye it doesn't start to look bredli. Definately looks like it has some mcdowelli in it to me, I'd definately agree that it looks like a cross, it'll be very interesting to find out, it's a very difficult one to pick from the photo and I wouldn't really be all that suprised if it had a bit of everything everyone has said.
Theres a form of carpet from a island off w.a or s.a I think it's a nother form of bredli ? seen it on pails for scails site I think ?
Theres a form of carpet from a island off w.a or s.a I think it's a nother form of bredli ? seen it on pails for scails site I think ?

I think you're talking about the ones off the coast of S.A. which are closest to imbricata (although some say metcalfei). Maybe someone else can shed more light here, I only know what I've read and heard; I haven't been there.
There is also another form from the northern Flinders that looks a bit like a MD/bredli cross.

Is that the 'Gammon ranges' carpet you're talking about? I've seen a few pics of them recently, nice looking snakes, I'd love to see some live.
I've held a St. Francis Island imbricata. It was a yellowist snake, male , over eight years of age and about 1.2 meters long. Females are larger, they get to 1.8 meters. It is the only leagal St. Francis Island imbricata in captivity that I know of. Permisson to collect more has been refused.

Gammon ranges is the northern Flinders.
Hey Mark(fuscy) I've just emailed the photo to the man himself, and he is going to let me know. Spoke to him on phone. Will post answer when I get reply from Peter Bredl. Cheers Cheryl
Hey you guys it's a Murray Darling Python. Here's Peter Bredl's answer to my email.

Hi Cheryl,
The Snake in the picture is a Murray Darling Carpet Python, the other greyer snakes in the enclosure are all the same the colouration on them vary but that's the only difference.
Hope that this was helpful.

Thanks, Peter.
But I can't see where you see the MD in it. It looks more Northwestern or Coastal to me- who knows? Oh, I know ask the breeder.

Editted: whoops you did ask. I still can't see that. Does anybody here have a sure MD with that colouring?
If that's a metcalfei (no, I'm not disputing it), I'd very much like to know where it's from. It's quite unusual.
what would be good is to see a pic of the parents... I know what it is said to be but I have my doubts.
I have seen MDs that have a lot of brown in their colouring. I reckon this one just has a very light brown colouring in it. Unusual, but still an MD.
mmmmm I know what he said it was but it definately doesn't look like an MD to me. Would love to see some more piccies of it. Just doesn't look right IMO to be an MD.

Howdy Dobermanmick, I've spent a fair bit of time in the Macquarie Marshes (west of Coonamble in mid NSW) and the MDs there have a lot of reddish brown on them. Have only seen adults but I'd bet the subadults would be a lot like that guy.
Incidentally if you want to get amongst absolutely thousands of lacies, monster red bellies and browns then go for a treck out there when it's warm. Getting a bit off track. Sorry.
See ya, Steve.

I agree hugsta, cant convince me its a MD either, pattern is wrong, colour is wrong and even the body has a very slender look to it, which is what made me think scrubby, along with the scales and jaggered elongated patterning. But hey, could be a decieving pic i guess

I've just emailed Peter Bredl and asked if he can email me some more photos that I can post to the forum. Also asked a few more questions. Will keep you posted. Cheers Cheryl
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