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Sel, I give you credit for more intelligence and sensibility.

Hnn17. This could be the root of your problems, if you cannot distinguish between arguing between a point of view put forward and slagging off the person who said it.

Honest Pirate – I’m am undecided whether that comments is born out of ignorance or arrogance or an over-active imagination. You yourself said that humour is subjective, I would have thought the rational and logical consequence of that was that before one posts a “humorous” comment that one exercises their sensibilities and judgement to ensure that it cannot be seen as anything but humorous... clearly not the case here.

Khagan, if your ignore the context then I would have to agree that it is all a storm in a tea cup. However, I clear framed my comments in a context – that being the bun fight of a preceding thread, where people were after blood and clearly, certain posters on both sides of the fence both sides were at fault. If you bother to read my posts, you would clearly see what the fuss is all about. When you have the same posters who a day or two before were being vindictive, I do not see it as a bit of good natured ribbing. I singled out this specific issue. We then have some post on the pretext of indicating what the previous thread was about but who then goes on to continue the argument. Immediately following that we have the comment that sparked this discussion – exactly what I had been talking about 2 and 4 posts previously.

Tell me, did you not bother to read that or did you just choose to ignore it so you could put up your post. “Don’t see what the fuss is about”. You would have to be incredibly obtuse not to.

Friendly ribbing for making a blue and comments about Keelbacks have no relevance to what we are talking about here. I will add, that the keelback comment was humourous the first couple of times I read it but it is used inappropriately as often as not and has cause more than one OP to question what is going on. Anyone post that comment. You don’t need to know squat. So where is the cleverness in that?

Looks like you have a few questions to answer...

Khagan, if your ignore the context then I would have to agree that it is all a storm in a tea cup. However, I clear framed my comments in a context – that being the bun fight of a preceding thread, where people were after blood and clearly, certain posters on both sides of the fence both sides were at fault. If you bother to read my posts, you would clearly see what the fuss is all about. When you have the same posters who a day or two before were being vindictive, I do not see it as a bit of good natured ribbing. I singled out this specific issue. We then have some post on the pretext of indicating what the previous thread was about but who then goes on to continue the argument. Immediately following that we have the comment that sparked this discussion – exactly what I had been talking about 2 and 4 posts previously.

Tell me, did you not bother to read that or did you just choose to ignore it so you could put up your post. “Don’t see what the fuss is about”. You would have to be incredibly obtuse not to.

Friendly ribbing for making a blue and comments about Keelbacks have no relevance to what we are talking about here. I will add, that the keelback comment was humourous the first couple of times I read it but it is used inappropriately as often as not and has cause more than one OP to question what is going on. Anyone post that comment. You don’t need to know squat. So where is the cleverness in that?

Looks like you have a few questions to answer...


I'm well aware of the previous threads and happenings in them i also have read some of them, but i still don't see it, because he acts in a manner that paints a big giant target on him. He has rubbed people the wrong way since day one, and instead of changing his attitude he has gotten worse so i don't blame the wave of 'attacks' following him everywhere.

I also don't see why you need to be some righteous crusader coming to the defense of a "poor innocent victim" when he gives as good as he gets, he baits people into arguments just as much as he receives. We have mods for a reason, if people are out of line the mods deal with them like for example.. Hey look at that Ianinoz is suspended? Jeez, must be a wrongful conviction there, surely he is innocent!
We get to the real reasons at last.

You presume too much. You have absolutely NO idea of my personal views on the man or his actions or how I feel about his suspension, because I have never disclosed any of these publically. Nor have said anything that directly or indirectly implied my attitude.

I challenge you to show me anywhere that I have “come to his defense”. I have said there is no justification for personal abuse in posts. That includes towards him, by him, towards you, by you, etc. I am not quite sure how one manages to misconstrue this as being supportive of the very behaviours I am opposed to.

Let me spell it out for you. If any individual has been personally offensive to others in any of his/her posts, then I condemn that behaviour. Has Ianinoz?.. Can I hand in my crusader’s badge now?

Because it is such a highly emotive issue I already addressed the concerns that you raise here. I have a lot of empathy for the way you and other experienced herpers feel. I have discussed the matter openly and at length with one of the most respected members of the forum, who contacted me several days ago to express his concerns. This is what prompted my clarification of the issue plus a few other statements – like I know it’s not the best example to be using, but the priniciple is still sound. I will say that the other member and I have a lot in common in the way we view what has been happening. He also has a consistent and appropriate response to such problems. Bear in mind this is a small excerpt of a much more extensive discussion. If and when someone posts something that is either incorrect or based on observations that are clearly not applicable, he will say: “Well actually, what happens is...”. He is extremely polite and does state straight out: “ You’re wrong. ...”.

To avoid these issues that culminate in blood letting, there are several things people should be doing. Deal with each incident as it occurs, then and there, appropriately. Do not give any recognition or credence to statements that you disagree with but cannot refute with facts. Just completely ignore him or her, otherwise you will be drawn into an argument based on opinions, which neither party can win. If there is an inappropriate exchange, report it – the moderator’s will make a judgment and delete it if they agree.

Enough said. Do you think perhaps we can put this one to bed now?

Looking at his profile page, his avatar and many options are gone. From my understanding this generally means banned rather than suspended. I agree people attack each other a little too much around here (me included) but I've never seen someone come and piss off just about everyone on the entire forum the way he did. I think this may just be a special case and I don't see the point in arguing between ourselves over it any more. If Mr Ian was in fact a troll, he certainly did his job well. His impact has outlasted his banning - a feat many trolls would only dream about.
I was hoping someone else might do this. If he were banned that is what would show against his name, for he length of time it remains. if you are banned the account is deleted. The adjustments to his profile simply mean he has packed his bags.

Seeing as how he obviously won’t be returning, I shall give you my personal opinion on these matters. I don’t believe he set out to do anything but to establish himself in a group. The man clearly has issues. What he needs, without being to explicit, is a good therapists who can bring him into the real world through appropriate social interactions. For the most part, I suspect it would be a lonely existence to be where he is at most of the time. Irrespective, I hope he is able to learn something positive from his APS experiences and not make the same mistakes elsewhere. Without some assistance in the meantime, however, I suspect that history is most likely to repeat itself.

Please, all listen to yourselves.
ID thread, not a debate, talk about it elsewhere
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