Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,
a final update on Bob the blue tongue who has been battling a internal infection for a while now. Its been about a month now since i first notcied the cloudness in this eyes, from then it was a straight post on here and off to the vet. Since then he's beening going back for a series of shots every 4 days, costing my parents a fortune. Well its all paid off now, he's eating fine, doing fine, he's even going out into his outdoor enclosure again next week casue the weather is warming up here, i think some fresh air and a nice stop of sunshine will make him a very happy skink
his next apointment is on 22 of september and thats only for a check up. All this handling has worked on his tempermant too, he's starting to get used to being handled 
thanks for all ur support and advice, really apriciate it
a final update on Bob the blue tongue who has been battling a internal infection for a while now. Its been about a month now since i first notcied the cloudness in this eyes, from then it was a straight post on here and off to the vet. Since then he's beening going back for a series of shots every 4 days, costing my parents a fortune. Well its all paid off now, he's eating fine, doing fine, he's even going out into his outdoor enclosure again next week casue the weather is warming up here, i think some fresh air and a nice stop of sunshine will make him a very happy skink
thanks for all ur support and advice, really apriciate it