update on my female beardie

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I'm guessing Geckos_are_great is between the ages of 9 - 12.....

I can only agree with everyone else... I feel sorry for this poor little beardie getting 3rd class treatment and not 1st class... As ZOOJAS said Hope you don't get any more animals cause its not the smartest thing to do.

I really hope that your little beardie will get better and start to sharpen up. Take her out outside and give her some sunlight for 15 - 30 minutes a day its not much to ask. Just put her on your hand or on your shoulder or even in a box with a mesh lid covering her, so those pesky birds don't come down and try and get her, and while she's out there put some woodies or crickets in her box, do this everyday or every second day and hopefully you'll start seeing a difference.

Cookies for everyone who has tried to help gecko =D
and also my little male beardie can stick his eyes right out of his head(realy creepy) just wondering if anyone elses beadies do this.
I'm pretty sure all Beardies do this at some stage or another, it's a well known phenomena; Bearded Dragon . org - Eye Bulging
Shame you didn't get your female to the Vet, hope she doesn't Cark it on you.
nah i was kidding jeese. i just finished making a new tank for my female and shes walking around abit and atm shes under the basking light getting some krickets later post some pics tonight.ps.i was joking i do go to the doctor
I said what I did because it happens. I don't agree with it - I'd remortgage the house if I needed to, & have spent over $1000 on a lizard because he was sick (not to mention what I've spent on the dogs over the yrs lol!!)
Geckos_are_great, would still love to get some pics thru if we can...........
Why not just sell her? Youd totally score like $40 or so.
Obviously money is everything
I don't see what jumping up & down like a mad man is going to achieve...

Also I have met gecko's & he's father & they seem to be very polite, well knowledgeable
asked a lot of questions before purchasing from me & knew what they were doing.

It is true that sometimes we all panic when our critters are slightly off color
*especially being a young child!*
only to have them perk straight back up again...

If I dashed of to the vets every time a critter has done something weird
or looked slightly off color the vets would be millionaire's & I'd be a goose.

Leave the poor kid alone instead of giving him the traditional aps lynching!
thanks for backing me up bites
she has just had a massive feed 12 or so krickets and 4 woodies and she has got alot more active
This does sound like one of those lizards that is totally scared of the male. Some cope to a degree, others just shut down due to the stress.
If that's what this is, it's a matter of keeping them seperate, feed her up & keep her permanently on her own, & only introduce the male once a year & only if she's Really healthy.
Hope it all works out, & that u do take on board some of the advice you've been given!
Cheers - Kathy
ok she has been alot better eating and everything but today she craped for the first time in ages and non of her food was diegested at all looks exactly like how it went into her and it was very runny and stank bad
temps are not high enough if the food is not digesting properly.

just follow some simple steps and after a few days see how she is going.
1. put her into an enclosure by herself WITHOUT sand, just newspaper, with a few hides in both the hot and cold ends.
2. make sure you have some sort of heat at night so it doesn't get down to 16degrees, i have the thermostat set on nothing under 26degrees for my sub-adult beardy.
3. get some vegies into her diet, at a year old vegies should take up a big part of the diet, i offer mine supplemented brocoli every day, and offer woodies if the brocoli is gone by afternoon.
4. use supplements when feeding roaches and crickets.

also another thing, when you have the beardy out, give it a light misting/spraying with a water bottle, mine used to have trouble eating when it was very young, but a bit of water on their lips triggered a great feeding response.

Im no expert, but if the beardy will eat fine when its by itself, and when you put it with the male it is frantically trying to hide..... my judgement says it doesnt like being in the tank with the male all the time.

You dont necessarily need to take it to a vet straight away if you can clear the problem up yourself, but from reading your responses to a lot of what people have said, you dont seem to listen to anything anyone has said.

lets all hope your beardy will get better
make sure the temps only drop a little overnight too.

is she on sand again? or newspaper?
Also make sure she can't see the male, very important!!

IMO, if she's been kept in the same enclosure & the male removed, it will cause her more stress on top of that she's already going thru to change the substrate as well. IMO.
Oh well, you have simply proved my point that you don't listen.
Im not going to try help you
bfg23, he's just a typical little boy who thinks he knows so much. He claims to be an expert but constantly asks questions and posts countless threads requesting help to the most simple things; which just proves he knows nothing.

I feel sorry for any animal in his possession.
oh thankyou rocket.
and he is now starting threads looking for more reptiles to buy and forfeit to a underprivileged life.
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