UPDATED: Disgusting case of neglect (pic heavy)

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Damn thats gotta be placing a lotta extra stress on your life but good on you for helping out the poor buggers. Is it possible for you to get full ownership of the snakes, if so I'm sure there would be a lot of people who would take them off your hands and care for them on here, hell I wasn't planning on getting another snake any time soon but even I'd make room for one in my house just to ensure it has a happy and safe future.

I considered playing with the paperwork and taking them all but I don't have the time, resources or money to pull it off, and I'd like to make a career in reptiles and it wouldn't look good. Unfortunately the right thing to do doesn't always fit to the law. All I can hope is that something comes of all this; a good life for the animals, some much needed policy changes and hell on earth for the owner.
Thanks so much for the support and concern everyone, I'm hoping to gain access to the house today and check on the snakes. Particular thanks to those offering help and funding but at this point I think the priority is to make the relevant authorities/media/public aware of this situation and the failures of the system so that the animals get proper veterinary care. I've been able to keep the most serious cases going, apart from one hatchling who will not feed even when prompted by scenting and braining, and is so stunted and weak that I am uncomfortable force feeding. My concern from the start has been the likelihood of euthanasia, as I can't bare the thought of these poor things living such horrible lives and then not being given a chance to find a good home and live happily. I'm keen to contact ACA or 60 minutes and to forward my previous emails and letters to higher RSPCA and DERM authorities and local ministers, but unsure where to start.
I'll keep you all posted whenever I can.

Mate your doing an awesome effort considering your studying, Thanks on behalf of the critters. Time and again no government action has a drastic turn around once they are exposed on ACA or the like. Go for it. Best of Luck
I am assuming this guy sin't a member of this forum or he would never have left his animals in that state. You should try to get his email and send him a link to this thread so he can see the disgust he is held in.
I am assuming this guy sin't a member of this forum or he would never have left his animals in that state.

:shock: you sure? some of the worst collections i have seen are from members of this forum. not this filthy, but still well up there.
I can't really say anything that hasn't already been said.

The owner of these animals is a disgrace, and it's very fortunate that someone informed you of the conditions the snakes were living in. I doubt having his license taken off him would do anything, if he shows such a blatant disregard for animals that he's supposed to care for, I wouldn't be surprised if he had reptiles off license. I also don't think ACA or 60 minutes would give a damn, unfortunately.

I used to work for DERM, and I'd say that if you went to an office and tried to tug on the heart strings of the people who work there, they may be inclined to take action and inform someone who actually cares/has the power to do something. Make up a few flyers with some details and the pics of the animals, and drop them off at the DERM office and ask for them to be passed around. It's worth a shot.

You're a fantastic person for taking the time to do this, I'd like to think that anyone on this forum would do the same. It would be very hard to turn a blind eye, but I'm sure it happens. It's heartbreaking to know that animals don't have a voice, and their quality of life is dependent on if they are picked up by someone who cares, or a prick. Good on you, mate.

In regards to the hatchling that won't eat and you're too scared to force feed, is it still alive? What about a bit of mush in a syringe if you could supply it with some adequate heating, or a rat tail or something?

:shock: you sure? some of the worst collections i have seen are from members of this forum. not this filthy, but still well up there.

Have people posted pics, or you just know them?
I would have killed him, what a scum bag for causing such conditions, and I commend you on your efforts at helping them and raising the alarm
ive sent the info to aca...... Thank you for contacting A Current Affair.

Our viewers are a great source of information and inspiration to us. We welcome your comments, stories and suggestions.

We regularly check our email inbox, but due to the sheer volume of emails we receive, we cannot respond individually. We will be in contact if we think we can help you.
Everyone has a mobile phone these days, how about just calling the owner?
He may want the animals dispersed.
ill have his phone number.... but after i call him he'll be as white as a ghost and messed his pants..:twisted:
…. My concern from the start has been the likelihood of euthanasia, as I can't bare the thought of these poor things living such horrible lives and then not being given a chance to find a good home and live happily. I'm keen to contact ACA or 60 minutes and to forward my previous emails and letters to higher RSPCA and DERM authorities and local ministers, but unsure where to start.
I'll keep you all posted whenever I can.

To minimise the likelihood of euthanasia, the RSPCA involvement would be your best bet. Here is some info that should help…

RSPCA emergency and complaints hotline:
1300 852 188

Email address for reporting cruelty to animals:
[email protected]

An RSPCA web page with a bit of relevant info on it:

RSPCA Qld’s Media Manager Michael Beatty call 3426 9902 (0415 386 602 after hours) or e mail [email protected].

• Janet Gamble, State Wildlife Coordinator RSPCA Qld, 0415 385 604
Thanks so much Blue. I'll make a start tonight after class, and post what I send on here. Local RSPCA weren't at all interested but hopefully state officials will make a difference.
Just a suggestion, but have all your friends in the area - and any reptile keepers from this site in the area, also call the RSPCA. I find it beyond pathetic that they aren't interested. Call them and say something like " I have found all these ANIMALS living in their own feces, in cramped conditions and without food or clean water. Many are emaciated and in need of veterinary attention". When they ask what kind of animal, ask them why that matters. Tape the call if you can too.

I only ever donate to animal charities (and cancer, my theory is if they can cure it in humans then they may be able to cure it in animals) as animals can't take care of themselves, but will no longer be donating to RSPCA if this is their attitude. All creatures great and small my bum.
Cam, I would contact your local MP and ask him to make a submission to the Minister. Also, lodge an official complaint to the QPWS regional Director. Things will move, believe me.
The QPWS is in dire straits financially due to the natural disasters, they are now even selling off vehicles, that's how bad things are, however, it's their duty to act and in deed they should act swiftly.
Why not make another thread asking members to ring the RSPCA and make a complaint?

If you're not in a position to give out the address on a public forum, could a complaint be put in by someone who knows the finer details and a reference number be given? Then a bunch of people could just ring up and state the ref. number and complain.
Cam, I would contact your local MP and ask him to make a submission to the Minister. Also, lodge an official complaint to the QPWS regional Director. Things will move, believe me.
The QPWS is in dire straits financially due to the natural disasters, they are now even selling off vehicles, that's how bad things are, however, it's their duty to act and in deed they should act swiftly.

Sean's planning to do that shortly as well, he said. He's just contacted the local team leader of QPWS for an update but no response yet.

I notice a few people are sharing the thread on Facebook, that's a good idea, to help get some awareness. What has the response been like?
ive just spoken to the qld rspca on 1300 852 188. the lady pulled up this thread while i was talking to her and she was quite disgusted.... please call them again cam.....
my support is there cam i got the food if needed u know where to find me
I feel sick after seeing that. Those poor animals!
Thanks timantula for getting through to RSPCA, they're calling me back very shortly. And thanks Matt, hopefully I'll get a chance to get in there on Wednesday, we'll sort them out.
no worrys mate ill go any length to stop animal abuse!!! but your the king in this case, good luck with it and please keep us up to date;)
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