UPDATED: Disgusting case of neglect (pic heavy)

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This is so sad and selfish of the owner, rather than neglect all his animals why couldn't he have sold them?
It is disgusting what they are living in and even worse that nobody wants to do anything serious about it!
You should be proud of yourself for helping! If i was there i would help look after them and adopt as many as i could house and look after properly and give them the care they deserve.
Please keep us updated about this situation, it is truely a very sad and disgusting situation :(
That is disgusting! I have a friend who is a vet and volunteers for the RSPCA, I have forwarded this on to him....if nothing is done remember 60mins love stories like this. Good on you for doing something
i have no words that i can say on here about this...... the person responsible for that needs to be taught a lesson and im not talking about fines,loosing the snakes or a slap on the hand... ill be showing these pics to a mate and his blood WILL BOIL, without saying too much this guys is a psyko and will.... nar ive said enough. that makes me sick.
yep I think threatening to go public............I would be telling the RSPCA that they advertise for all animals great and small and they have done nothing about these snakes....unless they think that are treading on the toes of the wildlife service because they are animals kept under licence......I really do wonder why we are licenced when this sort of thing can happen and nobody does anything about it......

Please let us know what eventuates.......
The "unpleasant people" (gotta be careful, I'm already deemed naughty) are always there mate. Goodonya, you're one of the good guys and you have my respect.

A pox on that bloke and I suggest you try and find a sympathetic ear in Parks through personal contacts, paperwork is just that, a defense mechanism for beaurocrats!
I hope the snakes are all rehomed with responsible keepers and have lives of luxury.
Well, that just makes me want to cry.
In regards to the RSPCA, I've recently been trying to get them to act (with the local government) on a kitten mill I'd seen while searching for a new pet. I never got a call back from either after multiple emails and calls and the fraudulent seller who says she's a breeder is still selling the animals for exorbitant prices. I really think people just don't care about animals much these days.
However, good on you for doing this. It's unsung heroes like you that make this country better for its' beautiful array of animals.
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Well done Cameron! You've done a great job. They were in truly appalling conditions, I had no idea it was quite that bad! The authorities have handled it terribly, even when presented with evidence which is hard to believe. Hopefully all the animals recover well and reach a condition where they can be auctioned or balloted out. Hopefully it doesn't come to seizure and euthanasia of the animals in question. I am sure I am not alone thinking that the owner should reimburse you for materials, travel costs and an hourly rate. You should be commended for your actions, well done.
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I am sure I am not alone thinking that the owner should reimburse you for materials, travel costs and an hourly rate.

Someone certainly should. Now that I've cooled down a bit: well done, Cam, for caring about these animals.

Hopefully it doesn't come to seizure and euthanasia of the animals in question.

That would be awful.
As someone else has said if it really gets to the point were no-one is listening email ACA or 60 minutes etc. You should get a medal or a trophy, I'm thinking
As someone else has said if it really gets to the point were no-one is listening email ACA or 60 minutes etc. You should get a medal or a trophy, I'm thinking

I am sure Cam would settle for 46 pythons :lol:
mate i have never felt sosad looking at pictures,i actually have tears ,i dont thinkive ever felt this upset over pictures of snakes living in poo land

keep this thread updated and get as many people involved

im even more disturbed about the authorities reaction

p.s your a saviour loooking after those poor creatures
This is a really nasty story - my theory is that people who abuse animals (or even other people) like that get paid back in some way in the next life. It would be wrong if they weren't.

Good you Cam, for getting straight in and starting the rescue.

OMFG!!!! The guy should be made to live in his own waste and not be fed for weeks, see how he likes it. My heart was breaking to read and see the pics.

Your a champion cleaning the 'enclosures', how you resisted not taking them home with you is beyond me, I would have taken them home with me.

For some one to leave them in that state and in those conditions and with no one designated to look after them while he is away having a great time, is disgracfull and pathetic. Hope that when the house mate comes home he is charged with neglect and has the licence revoked.

Hopefully wildlife/DERMA/RCPCA does something soon instead of sitting back doing ????

Keep us updated with how you go with their care and the fate of the little guys and what happens to the scum that left them in that state.
That doesn't look good. Good to see that you have taken extra time from your studies to look after them.
Personally I think the RSPCA does less then it should in many situations. Are you sure this person has a licence and if so were the animals in his books?
You are obviously a good man for having done what you did. Take heart from that.

I am absolutely appalled at the apathy shown by both organisations. It makes you wonder whether they are in for the animals or simply the power.

I would have been tried to contact the RSPCA first and get them out there before touching anything. I know that may seem a bit harsh, but it allows for a full prosecution of the person responsible. It should be up to the RSPCA to involve DERM. Failing a positive local response from the RSPCA, I would have rung their head office for the state. If they weren’t prepared to act immediately, I would have threatened to get the local paper down there with a title on the news item something like “RSPCA don’t care” and I would also have threatened to pursue one the TV news programs. All of which is academic now.

In your shoes, I would write to the state headquarters of the RSPCA telling them pretty much what you told us (plus who you spoke to or at least the phone number, date and approximate time of day) and include a printout of some of the photos. Express you concern and disgust at the lack of response on the local level and cc a copy of the letter to your local member, explaining it just isn’t good enough for locals living in Townsville. This organisation exists to service the community and the name is supposedly self-explanatory.

I would do a similar thing with DERM for their tardiness in acting. Also explain that you simply do not have the time or monetary resources to take on the “voluntary” care of 46 pythons and it is highly unreasonable of them to ask you to do so simply because you have the expertise and have demonstrate a genuine concern for the animals. In other words, taking advantage of you. Be prepared for their possible response that the alternative may be euthanasia. There may be no other practical alternative. I have no idea how DERM operates unfortunately.

In fact – draft both letters and send them to your local member first, explaining what you intend to do. Ask if he/she can suggest a better strategy before you send off the letters, so your local community is better serviced by these two institutions in the future. He/she may want to take it up in parliament.

The only other advice I can offer is, hard as it may seem, try not to do too much more in order to force the appropriate authorities to get off their butts and earn the wages the paid by doing what they are supposed to do.

I don’t envy you. Top effort! Good luck with resolving and I hope it can be done quickly, for your sake.

Awesome and selfless work. You should be proud of you efforts.
RSPCA should have got involved as it is clearly a animal cruelty case, but may nothave been inclined to as they feel it is more under the National Parks umbrella. Either way, to take a month for any organisation to make a move (and only after you and your friend chasing them up) is just pathetic.

As usual, I totally agree with everything Blue has said. If they still haven't come around again (at least to check on the continuing health of the animals to buld a case), I think it is time to name and shame.
For a government body to ask you, a member of public to take custody and responsibility of these animals id rediculous. (A person who finds a malnourished child would be asked to adopt the child) These snakes should be in the care and custody of a vet (I'm not insinuating you can't look after them, because quite obviously you alrady have) or someone affiliated with the prosecution team. These snakes are evidence and there should be continuity of evidence. If you nurse these snaes back to health without DERM recording everything, this guy may only gat a slap on the hand for having dirty inclosures.
It's a sad picture but this is how the system is (I'm not saying works) but that is how things are done and I can't see them changing anytime soon.
I can smell that from here its a shame how people think it's cool to keep large numbers of snakes yet are uncapable of caring for them those photos are disgusting good on you for doing the right thing if you have no luck with RSPCA try your local health or welfare body the bacteria floating around in that room would pose a significant health risk I feel sorry for his housemates
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Well this definately wasnt the best thread for me to be looking at first thing in the morning........:( although animal abuse is common, i am still in shock that someone would keep their animals like this.......those pics are heartbreaking! How 'lucky' they are that u turned up & CARED......i hope something changes really soon so your hard work, & their lives, doesnt to go to waste! This is one of those times where i wish i was 'in charge'.......this bloke wouldnt have any animal ever again!
Good on you Cam, that's all I can say. Horrid absolutely horrid. I think you really should go public with this. ACA, 60 minutes, any of those shows. RSPCA needs to do something, DERM needs to do something, National Parks and Wildlife where are you? Is this doofus licenced?
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