Urgent advice required: Bearded Dragon

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Active Member
Nov 20, 2011
Reaction score
Mackay, Queensland, Australia
I have a bearded dragon (male) two years of age. I've recently discovered bumps on the top and bottom of his tail. It seems to be underneath his scales. The bump on the top of his tail is underneath the scale, however the bottom bump underneath his tail is black. Any ideas of what this might be? I've attached photos of the areas. He is following a healthy diet, and is eating well. There is no apparent changes in his behaviour. Could you guys please help me identify what is wrong with him. I've done a bit of research but I'm still unsure what it might be. Bump1.jpgBump2.jpg
Underneath his tail are his balls!

No, the circled area is not where the balls are.

Sorry i cant help jacques, hopefully someone will have an answer for you though......if not, it may be worth a vet trip just to be sure it isnt anything serious. Goodluck
the second one looks like it may be a mite i own 37 degraded dragons all in out door pits i take most of them for check ups once a year and some times they have small bumps but usually they end up being scar tissue from scabbles with others i don't think I've ever had it being any thing else deff worth a trip to the vet tho

bearded ** sorry stupid spell check
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