URGENT HELP!! Bluie attacked my shingleback!!

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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2008
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Hello all,

I have come home from the movies to find that one of the scales from my shingleback has been ripped off. You can see the flesh. Its on the end of her tail. There was a note from my mum saying that my bluie attacked her. Please help I'm really stressing and I don't want Princess to be in pain!! What should I do? Bepanthen cream? A salt and water thing?

Please help!!!!

Rosabella :(
Get the blue tongue out its a male and its breeding season.

I had the same problem a couple of months ago.

It kept attacking the stumpys/shinglebacks.

I took it out and they recovered fine.

Get some betadine or dettol and water and wipe the wound site clean with cotton balls then discard them.

Dry it with some more cotton wool balls and repeat in a weeks time.

It should be fine.
Get the blue tongue out its a male and its breeding season.

I had the same problem a couple of months ago.

It kept attacking the stumpys/shinglebacks.

I took it out and they recovered fine.

Get some betadine or dettol and water and wipe the wound site clean with cotton balls then discard them.

Dry it with some more cotton wool balls and repeat in a weeks time.

It should be fine.

Thanks! But she's a female :? (When I first got her, I thought she was a boy :lol:. She wont mind If she has a boy name :p)
as horserule said, but i would repeat the betadine wipe daily.
Hey Rosabella,

As mentioned put the bluey (or stumpy) into another enclosure. If you haven't got one ready, buy a large tub from Bunnings and a clamp lamp (screw mount) and put a 40w screw reflector globe in it for the time being. Don't worry about UV too much as its only a temporary thing, it will be fine until you work something out. Or you could just sell me the stumpy cheap, I'd love one! LOL :)

You could borrow a tub with lamp from me if your parents wanted to drive to Sutherland, but they'd have to do it again to bring it back - Bunnings might be easier for them. Depending on the size of the tub they should get out of it for $30-$40 and they are a great spare temporary 'enclosure'.

Hope its ok!
if your on the northern beaches of sydney, i could baby sit your stumpy, with my crew, any luck she will have a baby by february-march.. lol.

as falconboy said, a storage tub will do for now. seperation is a must, doesnt matter their sex, its stills summer and they are being territorial.
Cool. I have dettoled her (she didn't like it much!) so the nest step is separating them. My mum isn't home, so I 'll look around the house until I find something suitable.
maybe put the bluey in the bath tub for now, its inescapable... and the bluey would do better out of the viv, and into sydney humidity, then the shingleback.
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