URGENT - help needed

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Very Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2006
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Northern Adelaide
Son's 4 year old bredli has just regurgitated his meal of an adult rat from a week ago. Before that, his feed was on Christmas Day.

Snake not looking too good apparently, looking a bit strange, that's all I could get from him at this time. I have told him to take the snake to the vet first thing in the morning, but in the meantime......... DOES ONYONE KNOW OF A GOOD HERP VET IN THE MURRAY BRIDGE, SA AREA?????

He's really worried now. Any help would be really appreciated.

How are temps? Was the rat completly defrosted? Have you inspected the 'gurge? Was there bile (Green liquid)?
I will ask him. he's in Murray Bridge, I am about 130kms away!!!!!! Mobile phone is the only contact!!!!!!
Dipcdame i can give you a number to a guy that deals with the zoos reptiles ( i think this what he does) maybe your son can ring him, he maybe able to help or tell you of a reptile vet?
seems strange he has done this from a feed that was one week ago, looks as tho he had nt digestd it properly, but why? hmmm (just thinking out loud here)
Bev, get him to try Monarto Zoo. They might have a vet who can help. I haven't dealt with the Murray Bridge Vets for ages but I think you'll find they are a farm practice with very limited reptile experience!
if he is 4 yrs old the snake he ashould be able to go ages without a meal ive got 1 yr old coastals which im luky to get them to eat every 3 weeks but one whent 6 weeks without food he will be fine just try another rat in a day or two
Bev, often when snakes regurgitate the cause is not enough heat
to much heat with no cooling place. It is most often the 1st.

It sounds as if the animal has a sour stomach - use Flagyl's 25 -50mg / per kg
As kakariki said - the vets at Monarto Zoo will advise you ** Goodluck
To all who answered on here, I thank you most sincerely, apparently, the son's idea of the temps being "ok" was due to the heat in the weather more than the heater in the enclosure. the bulb had blown nearly a week ago, and so poor Duke (the Bredli) has been sitting trying to digest a meal in the cold!!!!!!! That coul dhave been a contributing factor.. With a flea in his ear, he went out and bought two this morning, one to install straingh away, and one to keep as a spare!!!!!!
Little sod, I'm going to THROTTLE him when I next see him!!!!!!!

I will be telling him to ring Monarto, if they have someone there who can advise, then hopefully, his ear will be munched yet once again, but by somebody who knows the business more than I and he will listen better, I hope!

Once again, heartfelt thanks to all, your help and advice was much appreciated.

There's also a member on here who suggested a relative of theirs be contacted, which I think he is going to do in the morning. Thanks for that too.
glad he is ok.... whats his number i will chew his ear off as well lol
he will be coming to live here soon, he's Not even my snake, but he still flippin worries me...........
who is coming to live with you, the snake or son, i suppose if it were your son the snake would come too.
yup, both! Kinda looking forward to him being here again (the son, that is)... it's been four years since he moved out, and as much as he should be flying on his own by now, he will be at least living locally when he finds his own place down here!!!
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