urgent!!! hermit crab shopping list

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Very Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Berridale NSW
urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hermit crab shopping list

Ok so I need a hermit crab shopping list by tommorow so that I know what I need to get to own hermit crabs, and yes I know I have already made another thread. sorry I didn't post this earlier.

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just bumping it up the top please I need help, I have no idea of what to do!
Shopping List

1 Book about caring for hermit crabs
2 nothing else til you get the book and read it!
I agree with butts. You should know what you need and have it set up before you buy the animals. Otherwise they may suffer at your negligence.

Anyway, regardless of what a pet shop sells as Hermit crab tanks I believe minimum size fish tank should be 2 foot with a gauze lid. Just like reptiles, they require a warm end and cool end - either heated by a light or heat mat. Being a tropical animal they require high humidity - 80% or higher, so cover half the lid and use either a wet sponge, mist daily or largish water bowl at warm end to keep the tank humid.

Substrate - they like to dig so sand would be a good choice. They like to climb and go in tunnels. Make sure ornaments are on the floor and sand built up around so when they dig they won't be crushed by rocks above the sand.

They need two water bowls. One fresh water to drink, one salt water to bath in. Place these at opposite ends, probably the salty water at warm end so their fresh water is nice and cool to drink.

They need spare shells so they can move house when they want to. And they need food - hermit crab pellets, apples, weetbix, bread, all kinds of stuff.

Can you really get all this and understand all this by tomorrow or shall we have a memorial for the crabs now.
your to lazy to search how to care for them, but you arent going to be too lazy to clean their tanks/ feed them/ look after them properly....riiiiight.
Research and Learn about them before u get them... there's no point getting them and have absolute no clue on what to do..

there's a search button use it.... "Im too lazy" is just being silly... it doesn't take long.. if you really want the crabs you will do it..

and dont bump the thread with in 15minutes of posting the actual thread there is no need to.. Google is god. it has everything
OIK so I'm only getting the requirements and prob getting crabs next weekend. and if I don't get all the reqierements tommorow I have to get them next week and crabs in 2 weeks.

why is it so urgent to get it tomorrow? and if you dont get it tomorrow why do you have to wait another 2 weeks?.

if your getting them next weekend.. you have a whole week to get everything???
we only go shopping once a week coz were 30kms from the nearest woollies/coles and we have no grocery shops in our town, and I'm only getting the stuff tommorow coz were going shopping and i'm having my eyes tested, and when we go in on other days it's like 6:00 and all the shops are shut. and I did research in january and have some print outs and I'm refrehing right now.

........ I did research in january and have some print outs and I'm refrehing right now.


There is really no such thing as "I did my research last month". When it comes to animals, every day is a day of learning. You research about them forever and a day. You can't just do a course and call yourself expert. You learnt the basics but maintaining a healthy environment for them, and keeping them happy and alive is something you will be learning about every day.
Yay I finally get to post my guide! lol :D

Step 1. Buy a hermit crab tank with a breatheable lid, these tanks can also be used as snake click-clacks ;) Buy special hermit crab sand and fill it about 2cm thick.


Step 2. Add a dish of food (oat, sultanas and fruit mix), and a bath of normal water.

Step 3. Buy some spare shells and put them in the tank.


Step 4. Buy two or three healthy hermit crabs!!!

Step 5. Place your hermies in their new home!

Step 6. Leave them alone for about 3 days just to settle in before taking them out to hold them:)

You need to buy hermit crab salt from the petshop you are getting them from, each week put some salt into a container of shallow water and put your hermit crabs in there, but NO lids! After a few minutes take them out and put them back in their home.

So basically your shopping list will be:

*Breathable hermit crab enclosure

*Hermit crab Sand

*Food and Water bowl

*Oats, Sultanas and fruit mix

*Spare shells

* Hermit crabs

*Hermit crab salt - Also, it wouldnt hurt to put a hide in there too!:)

Good Luck with your new Hermies and sorry this message was sooo long, PM me for any questions:)
I never put my hermies under any heat source and they lived for ages, but on cold nights I do regret not putting them under a lamp or giving them insulated hides.
Rainbow, don't give them painted shells. It's been found to be detrimental to them. As mysnakesau said, they also need two baths, one normal water and the other of a salt bath.

All of this I found in five minutes of researching.
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