Yay I finally get to post my guide! lol
Step 1. Buy a hermit crab tank with a breatheable lid, these tanks can also be used as snake click-clacks

Buy special hermit crab sand and fill it about 2cm thick.
Step 2. Add a dish of food (oat, sultanas and fruit mix), and a bath of normal water.
Step 3. Buy some spare shells and put them in the tank.
Step 4. Buy two or three healthy hermit crabs!!!
Step 5. Place your hermies in their new home!
Step 6. Leave them alone for about 3 days just to settle in before taking them out to hold them
You need to buy hermit crab salt from the petshop you are getting them from, each week put some salt into a container of shallow water and put your hermit crabs in there, but NO lids! After a few minutes take them out and put them back in their home.
So basically your shopping list will be:
*Breathable hermit crab enclosure
*Hermit crab Sand
*Food and Water bowl
*Oats, Sultanas and fruit mix
*Spare shells
* Hermit crabs
*Hermit crab salt - Also, it wouldnt hurt to put a hide in there too!
Good Luck with your new Hermies and sorry this message was sooo long, PM me for any questions