Urgent!!! Please help!!

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2008
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My water dragon laid 8 eggs today!!!

I have got advice earlier but dont know exactly the fine details of what i should be doing.

I dug them up and put in a container with some moist vermiculite but in not sure how far to bury them and i didnt take notice when i moved them what side they where bury in... they have rolled? is there a way to know how to lay them????????

PLEASE its my first time with eggs. FINALLY!!!! LONG WAIT!!!!

I've heard water dragon eggs dont need really accurate hot temps is this true what would be exceptable???

I just dug them up they are sitting here next to me.

Advice and help would be great ASAP!!
G'day mate,

They are very hardy eggs. Just put them in the vermiculite so half the egg is exposed. Rolling them shouldn't be too much of a drama if they are only fresh. Put them somewhere with a stable temperature if you don't have an incubator - under the bed, in a cupboard etc.

Good luck.
hey jonno,

thanks mate. so they dont have to face a certain way? what if they are upside down from there original position????

do i have to put holes in the container? or completely sealed.
ok i've put the eggs in two of those plastic containers you get with woodies and crickets. ( 4 eggs in each. half buried with vermiculite. its moist but not drippy, just moist to the touch. lids are on, they have holes in them. & then I put the two plastic boxes in a shoe box & put into an enclosure thats temps are always around 26-28 during day and 21-22 at night. I can adjust to a constant temp up to 30 degrees if need...what do you all think??? sound ok.. or should i use different containers or different temps? & eggs should they be up a certain way or are they hardy enough if rolled on other side..?

much appreciate any help.
dragon eggs

hey jimmy i think your doing everything pretty right .With the vermiculite i mix it about 50percent water and 50 percent vermiculite this is by weight not a cup full of water to a cup full of vermiculite that would be way to wet. The holes in your container i would tape them up as usually in the wild the eggs are burried in a burrow .Dont stress it will be all good just try not to turn them to again but they should be ok.How ever if you have an esky that would probably be the best thing to put them in until they hatch.:D:D:D
Try keep them at a constant temp (not sure if water dragon eggs are the same as beardies but i keep my beardie eggs at around 30). I wouldnt have holes in the tubs as the humidity will escape. Have it so there is a light mist on the lid of the container but not enough to drip on the eggs.
of course another stable temperature is inside an esky. URS also have a great plan for an incubator on their web site. I pu tmy first ever clutch of water dragons in an esky made from their plans and it worked fine. As Jonno said, they are very hardy. And you can afford a slightly wetter mix of water/vermiculite than with other eggs. They are "water dragons" after all and lay their eggs white shallow near river banks. Only a few days ago I dug up a clutch at home that were twice the size of the other clutch (laid at basically the same time) that I had in the incubator. The eggs are still fine so the only reason I can think for them being so large is that they ahve absorbed water as they were only about 4 inches deep in sand and it has certainly rained over the past 57 days.

Oh, and just for info, the other eggs hatched today, thats 55 days at 30 degrees. I expect the ones I dug up to take longer as their average temp would ahve been lower outside.
congrats on the eggs .one of my females laid 15eggs i am hoping they hatch but my incubator sucks we have a bar fridge we are going to be making into a incubator
55 days! thats heaps quick! congrats mate. I'll set up an esky tonight. just not sure how i will get the sensor for thermostat in it because wont be able to close the lid...

Think my dimming habistat thermostat will do the job with heat light? if i put sensor in the esky?

I sealed the wholes in the eggs container (put new lids without wholes on them.)

Thanks alot for this guys!
(& i'll have a look at that plan thanks peter)

just close the lid mate, it will be fine, very little air will get through. I just ran the heat cord around the outside of the esky (on th einside fo course) using the plastic trellis you use to let plants clinm on.
Will do peter. Thanks for all the advice everyone! I guess its another long wait.. But its pretty exciting! Have a great weekend. Its getting hot keep the fridge full of beers!
congrats on the eggs .one of my females laid 15eggs i am hoping they hatch but my incubator sucks we have a bar fridge we are going to be making into a incubator

15!! nice. LUCKY! well if they are as hardy as i here we should do ok. bar fridge will be cool (keep me posted on that). how long ago did she drop the eggs? what temp you set at?
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