Vegetables for beardies!

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Jun 12, 2009
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Can beardies have celery? I havent seen it on a list anywhere. Does anyone have any really good lists with lots of fruit and veg on that beardies can have or not have? I only have a couple of lists and it only names a few of each.
Hi, sorry to be the one to answer again:oops:, u must be hoping someone else will pipe up!

I know avocado & rhubarb are poisonous to beardies, & banana's should only be given occassionally.
Here's a link to a list of veg (albeit american) & fruit they can have - there used to be one that listed the phosphorous/calcium ratios, if I find it in the next day or 2 I'll post it up.
Hope it helps - Kathy
i've given mine celery from time to time, its not a favourite but it doesnt kill them either! :)
That is a good list I agre ebtu I have only heard of two of the things on the 'green' list! My little pygmys love endive. But what are collard greens and is the butternut squash they mean the creamy yellow pumpkin?
It is a shame there isn't an australian version but anyways butternut squash is called butternut pumpkin here & collard greens are part of the cabbage family but I don't think we have them here.
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