I can see where your coming from and agree that the gate needs to be shut, before the horse has bolted, as it were.
I also hope that people come forward anonymously and let the authorities know what they have, they could do this from a Internet cafe if they were worried about people tracing there IP addresses.
It is worrying, The 2nd snake I bought out here was from a guy in the Sydney area, he didn't know me from Adam, and thought he would brag about the snakes he had, including exotic's, he said that he could get me Boa's, corns and venomous, he told be he had a Morrocan rattlesnake, and I just went along with what he said and told him I wasn't interested in exotic's, as I had kept them for 19 yrs, as I am from the UK.
The worrying thing is, if you haven't already gathered, is that rattlesnakes don't come from Morroco or anywhere else in Africa for that matter, he clearly had know idea what he had in his posession, other than a rattlesnake! Very worrying, especially as he said that the snakes were kept around his parents house.
I have worked with Daboia russelli siamensis, and yes they are nasty buggers, that fella and his family would of had a lucky escape!