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Not so new Member
Apr 15, 2003
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Perth - WA
Just a bit of an update for those who are interested... I've been hunting around for some information about owning reptiles in WA, and have had a little bit of success.
CALM have given me the names and numbers of a few breeders in Perth, so I will be getting onto them shortly.
But as for price, well its a bit more expensive that what I had thought (hoped) as a SouthWest Carpet Python younin', will be about $1000.... and no, I haven't put too may 0's there......
So, means I'll have to wait a bit longer... *ho hum* such is life... :cry:
Thanks again for you help :)
From what I can gather in WA they have classed ALL sub species of carpet pythons as morelia spilota Imbricata.To my knowledge over there a carpet is a carpet,whether it be a coastal,darwin,murray darling or whatever.I know in older readings of herpetology all carpets were classed as 1 species,that being Imbricata.Hate to say it Kirov,but looks like you guys are behind in the times... :(
What the ??????

Where did you get your information from C.C ???
Morelia spilota imbricata is the south-west carpet python! This is the only carpet python on the approved species list from c.a.l.m. Although W.A has 2 species of carpet - the other one M.s.variegata is not on the list, nor is any python from interstate because of the risk of introducing I.B.D. to this state.

W.A is behind the times only in the pet licencing system & it is my opinion that west australian herpetologists are amonst some of the finest in the world (& I do have some experience in this feild!)

Maybe your confusion is the result of the many different common names that your pet industry has coined ( sometimes for the same species).
In older readings of herpetology ALL species of carpets were coined Imbricata regardless of location etc.Yes I know this species is the Southwestern carpet but hey Im not the so called profesional herper that wrote the books,I also made my comments on the subject from what I have gathered,MEANING im not 100% sure but from whats been said thats how I interpret it.I also told Kirov the same thing last night in chat,it was a discussion the whole room was having on the topic,and to me that was the conclusion we came up with.Im not making any attacks on WA herpers,im just saying I feel you guys are behind in the times IMO.If wrong as stated not a problem,I will stand corrected,Im here to learn just as much as the next bloke,im not here to show off any high intellect to satisfy my own ego.
Im here to learn just as much as the next bloke,im not here to show off any high intellect
Good thing too.... :lol: :lol:

sorry cyber, just jokes, I couldn't help it...
Hehe Mags,
So I stand corrected,But alls good,The discussion at hand was that Imbricata was the only species in WA.The topic turned to *is that what all carpets are called?* the answer being "I think so" which in turn made me believe that WA were using OLD herpetology scientific name for ALL carpet species.My misunderstanding,No problem.
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