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Not so new Member
Apr 5, 2007
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Hey I want to get some more snakes and I need some help finding people who are breeders/keepers.

here’s my list:

1xadult pair of scrubs
1x male olive 6 foot
1x jungle very bright yellow and really dark black Hatchie up to yearling female
1xmale yellow phase beardy adult
1xhypo female bredli Hatchie to yearling
1x Hatchie lacy bone white and very dark black
1xdimond bone white very dark black

will pay for freight and im in Melbourne ill be looking to buy in the next month or two I also need cages for all these if your intosted in selling name your price and shoot me an email [email protected] or shoot me an email if u no someone or somewhere I can obtain any of these animals

thanks for reading

p.s soz bout the spelling

There's a Wanted To Buy Section on this forum, so you don't need to post this in the "Herp Help" Section.
soz bout that m8 im not very good at using this site yet

It's all good, There's a classified section where you post these kind of threads - Just letting you know as it might get deleted / moved by a moderator for being in the wrong section.
it doesn't meen he hasn't got any exsperiance or he hasn't saved or can't afford them....why persume just because he's only 16???
It's annoying when people stereotype a person because of their age.
"bone white lacies" i just mean a really good looking lacies that have alot of white
and yes im 16 and yes i have no cages what dose that matter im buying cages now and what dose my age have anything to do with it and just to add i already have had a scrubbi and there not to bad iv got a m8 with a woce coastel
i wasnt stero typing,just worrys me when people want something like an adult pr of scrubbys,lacies ect,there not really for the faint hearted,i guess at 16 hes obviously had decades of experience though(tongue in (cheek)
when you say you want them , is there a time frame to purchase, and, you must be a cashed up kid, or just dreaming.
nothing wrong with dreaming.
i wasnt stero typing,just worrys me when people want something like an adult pr of scrubbys,lacies ect,there not really for the faint hearted,i guess at 16 hes obviously had decades of experience though(tongue in (cheek)

I understand what you're saying, but sometimes people are too quick to assume without finding out all of the relevant information or background history, hence my comment about people stereotyping a person because of their age.
i wasnt stero typing,just worrys me when people want something like an adult pr of scrubbys,lacies ect,there not really for the faint hearted,i guess at 16 hes obviously had decades of experience though(tongue in (cheek)
Why not keep your opinions to yourself? Honestly whats the point in saying something like that.....

Sorry not aware of anyone selling those goodluck though
hi max,was your scrubby in the vacinity of15 feet ?ever had a 5 foot lacie charge at you for food,i know a few younger keepers that have good collections,im not having a go at the age thing,if you think your right with them by all means go for it,good luck max,and guys relax,sheesh,some people are quick to assume on here,i was saying experience,not age
I agree with richardsc here,
I know that you already have experience with scrub pythons, but have you thought about growing up a hatchling/juvenile pair first? So in a few years time when they have grown considerably, you would of had more experience with them....
As you know, an adult Scrub Python is a very large and unpredictable snake.
Have you kept other species of monitors before?
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richardsc if your going to take the piss please dont post on this thred and keep your thoughts to yourself. As i said iv owned a scrub before i have had plenty of exsperence how would u no my Circumstances and obsivly if im getting thease types of animals im not faint of hart. in responce to your Q inthegrass yer its a bit of boath haha
By the way,
Get in contact with Southern Cross Reptiles for the: 1x jungle very bright yellow and really dark black Hatchie up to yearling female, 1xhypo female bredli Hatchie to yearling and 1xdimond bone white very dark black
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