Weird Behaviour from my Dog....

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Active Member
Dec 30, 2010
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So i have two border collies, and there has been rocks showing up on their dog beds... We have 'broken brick' layed out in the back yard, and it has been showing up on their dog beds which are nowhere near it... None of the family have been putting it there, and no one else (except one family friend) goes out there (because they bite). So it seems that the dogs must be putting it there somehow... and it is not just one or two stones... it is a reasonably segnificant amount... :S

Anybody have any ideas about why they might be doing this? or any other theories on how they might be getting there???

Thankyou from Jess :]
Slowly building a mound to use as a look out :p....Seriously no idea,... my dogs used to bring sticks bits n pieces of stuff onto their bedding all the time and I'd catch them sitting and chewing on them,......heard of a few dogs in my time who liked to chew on rocks,...possibly they are amusing themselves, they get out of yard much?
Haha, love the idea :p
Yeah we walk them most days... and i have never really seen them chewing on them or doing anything like that... :s it is just weird....

Thanks :p
My daughter has a staffy that throws rocks (with her mouth) chases them, picks them up, and throws them again......she is special ;)
Maybe they're preparing to lay eggs?
Are they gravid?

Just kidding.

I'd say go to the vet and ask them.
shellfisch: Haha, that is weird... I suppose dogs can be like humans with their weird habits :p

Plimpy: lol :p
hmm, that is a good idea, maybe i should ask them next time we take the dogs.. but they mayy think it is dumb question or something :p
I had a dog that used to chew the eyes out of his toys - we gave him a heap of those 'squeezed' looking dogs from maccas - and hide them under his cushion. We found a pile of them one day when were cleaning, it was very creepy. They just do weird stuff sometimes.
Shellfisch - my staffy cross does the same thing with her toys, her biscuits, bits of paper, random bits of crud she finds around the place....
Ohhh, so u guys dont think it is anything we should worry about then... thankyou :]
all i can suggest is to put mesh/chicken wire over the broken bricks and make it so the wire cant be dug up by ur dogs. this will hopefully deter them because of their inability to pick the bricks/rocks up from that area. any loose rocks that are bite size (fit in their mouth) do the same.
how old are they? it may just be a boredom thing because being working dogs and herding sheep all day they're usually pretty nackered and just flop til the next day. if you haven't already, maybe speak to your vet about their behaviour and express your concerns.

sorry i can't help much, but i had a border collie when i was quite young and we had to give her away because of the boredom factor and she went to a farmer.
my puppy does that. mainly when hes teething but i think he likes the texture of them could be bordom to..
Lambert: Ohh thankyou, but the area we have the broken brick in is too big to mesh it all.... umm i think one is around 10 and the other 7-8

nagini-baby: Oh that is interesting, at least it is not just mine :p
hmm, at that age they should not be doing that kind of thing!! did you get them from a breeder or a pet shop? where they come from and the first few months of life can also impact on their behaviour later in life. this also gos for health conditions like arthritis like in humans, you stay active your mobility stays pretty good dogs and cats are the same. my cat is 11 this year and runs around like an 8wk old kitten but my aunties cat is 16 this year and is on medication for arthritis. maybe, depending on who is at home (don't know about time limits) a long walk in the morning and a long walk at night and chuck a tennis ball around for a while should kill the boredom factor. most working dogs like kelpies, heelers, collies (bearded, old english, breards) will get objects and bring them back. like being told to 'fetch' without the command.

a good game to play is soccer literally i had a dog that could play soccer so yeah.
You can't stop arthritis from being healthy and active, you can help it or reduce it, but you can't stop getting it.

I woudl say your dog is bored. Same reason why dogs dig holes.
as long as they aren't chewing and/or eating the rocks, i wouldn't be too worried. chewing them could cause damage to their teeth and gums, while eating them could cause internal blockages and ruptured linings. it could also indicate a vitamin deficiency.

if they are just collecting the rocks, i'd suggest introducing some new toys to keep them occupied during the day. meaty bones are also good.

either way, i'm sure you'll figure something out :)
Lambert: Well they have never done it before, just started in the last few months... though now that u mention it, one has just started with arthritis medicatuon and we do not walk her as much as the other... should probably try to give her more excerise but she is getting old and it is getting increasingly harder for her....

hugsta: hmm, well how would we make the older one less bored without making her sore because of the arthritis?

PicklePants: yeah a new toy might be a good idea, but when they used to have toys it was always the younger one that would play with them not the oldest one.. and the youngest gets more walks and things then the older one so i duno... :S i dont think the oldest likes that sort of thing...
hmmm this may help you out on the exercise front with the older one
Dog Arthritis and Exercise

i don't know how much accupuncture is for animals but it works the same way as with humans as that is what they did on my aunties cat to relieve some of his pain.( he couldn't jump up onto couches but he can now)
A friend's schnauzer decided to eat rocks and that was a very expensive vet visit to remove the blockage. If they are merely collectors, you are lucky. Try freezing some wet bread, kibble and meat inside a kong toy - keeps them busy for a while. Scattering handfuls of tiny cat kibble can make for a fun search game (just do it away from the bricks!). Walk the older one - just not as far or fast. They still love getting a chance to smell new things. You can also buy "boredom buster" toys that you can put food into. The dogs bat them around and they eventually release bits of food. Alternate 2 or 3 things so they have a different challenge each day. They are very smart dogs and need mental stimulation.
Have you tried Sachas blend for the arthritis? We got some for our old dog and she was bouncing around like a puppy
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