What age can you breed Diamond Pythons

Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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2-3 years ...but 4 yrs would be better

thats if the snakes have been fed properly.
with snakes i think it mainly has to do with suitable size and weight as opposed to age. As breeding and producing eggs is very taxing on the body you wouldnt want to breed a female who isnt of ideal size.
hey I also want to know at what age a male diamond can start breeding?? mine is 1 year old now and he is about a meter long
6ft - 4 years of age.
Thats it ina nut shell
Do a search, this was discussed about 2-3 weeks ago
I would not go completely by size. Diamonds are finicky as it is, to keep your adults healthy it will do them best to wait until they are 4 years old. Why rush it. Let her mature before placing her body under strain from being gravid and having to lay eggs. Making her eggs would take a lot of calcium from her - diamonds in particular seem to be prone calcium deficiency more than other species. Do be in a hurry or you could risk her life and lose a gravid snake.
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