I could identify the two cars
The holden won't start right?? 
Problem Solved!
PS. Eitak, My sincere apologies for casting doubt where there was none. I was very slow to twig that maybe others were seeing something that I wasn't. I had arrogantly put it down to others being more cavalier and me being conservative. Time to step back and self-reflect methinks.
Look, my advice is sound. Go in with some liquid courage and play with the snake. When you get bitten and it does turn out to be a venomous snake you can blame the alcohol and look like less of a tool
I find my best cleaning days of my vens starts with a beer in hand. Hell, I'm not going in there otherwise.
What I'd love to see is a separate Identification subforum with specific rules that discourage such wild guesses.
The two posts I deleted were not on the ID. They were related to a comment I questioned, which in hindsight I should not have. In deference to the posters I consider it appropriate to delete those comments. I could have made an explanatory comment but could not see the point of giving people more to read when less has the same effect. Taking on board the intention of your pot, I have altered the note in each to explain they were not relevant. As no-one had posted I simply over-wrote my last post – which would not have been written had I solved my issue just a little ealier.Blue, i don't think you should have edited your posts. In threads such as this i think it is important that posters are held accountable for their comments. Particularly to discourage people from having a guess, most people don't realise how potentially dangerous a guess could be....
Apart from erring on the side of caution I also take into account the potential effect on the OP of stating the likelihood of an ID. For example, if I were to say I’m 99% certain it’s a keelback, some might take that as an acceptable risk to tail or otherwise handle the snake. As it became more evident that the OP has a responsible head on her shoulders, I felt more comfortable in expressing that e.g. “it is almost certainly a keelback and I know am being overly cautious”. I am not prepared to relinquish my basic protocols in this respect, despite some heavy duty pressure. However, that pressure did have thinking and wondering why. That is what I was doing when I passed the mouse of the open pics and lo and behold – up popped a full sized pic. At that point in time I reckon I could have walked out under the door!.... Like you i always err on the side of caution when it comes to identifying snakes. Imo if you can't pin it down to atleast a genus then you need to stay out of the threads.