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Not so new Member
May 14, 2009
Reaction score
Gold Coast
If my spotted lays eggs is it best 2 leave her with them, or incubate them?;)
That is a very personal choice question. Most ppl would incubate them - perhaps higher hatch rate or takes the strain off the mother but I am sure she is quite capable of incubating them herself. If she was in top nick prior to gravid and still hasn't lost much condition, she will do just fine.
It's all up to you, until now I was too worried about leaving them with the mother, this year I'll be leaving atleast one clutch with a mother (I've gotta breed some first) but I wanna see nature takes it's course (to the fullest extent within captivity obviously) lols.
If you do decide to leave with the mother how do you keep the enclosure with moisture because i read somewhere that snake eggs need more moisture then a normal enclosure usualy has.
If you do decide to leave with the mother how do you keep the enclosure with moisture because i read somewhere that snake eggs need more moisture then a normal enclosure usualy has.
I would spray them & their bedding once or twice a day or more depends if they need it, & keep her clutch
in the warmth. Is that ok?
That is a very personal choice question. Most ppl would incubate them - perhaps higher hatch rate or takes the strain off the mother but I am sure she is quite capable of incubating them herself. If she was in top nick prior to gravid and still hasn't lost much condition, she will do just fine.
Thanks heaps! How would u incubate? In what?
in an incubator :)
incubator = higher success rate.

You can pick up some decent second hand ones in the for sale thread here for $150-$200.
If you do decide to leave with the mother how do you keep the enclosure with moisture because i read somewhere that snake eggs need more moisture then a normal enclosure usualy has.

Naturally the mother takes care of this herself.
Its a personal choice,but the majority incubate them,if my Port Macs breed this im thinking of letting my big girl incubate them herself,the other two i shall incubate them.
In a natural situation, the female will search long and far for a place to care for her eggs, with the right temps and humidity... they don't have that choice in an enclosure, and both temps and humidity can vary greatly.. I have not done ah la natural myself, though a friend of mine tried on a diamond, he raised the humidity and tried the best he could, I think he ended up with 6 hatchies out of 30 odd eggs, though I'm sure others have had great success, though I think you would do much better if you were somewhat experienced before you try it.
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