What Did My Cat Drag In

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Nov 17, 2006
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hi guys i was wondering what this little marsupial is ??

we dont want to let it go while its injured if its a protected species
its bigger than a mouse and looks nothing like a rat and hops.
we looked up a few photos and it looks like a Spinifex Hopping-mouse but there located in wa
and we are in vic. heres a pic please any advice would be great


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two mor photos


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Sorry if this offends anyone but why the hell is a cat in a position where it can catch native animals ? It should be indoor or caged. I am sick to death of seeing photo's of animals that cats have caught, tortured, mauled or killed.
It looks like a mouse to me.

Very brave of you to admit to letting your cat outside to hunt! Expect flames! Admitably, if you are going to let a cat outside, you really shouldn't ever be leaving it unsupervised, so the flamers will have a point.
I agree, a herp site isnt the greatest place to advertise you own a cat that free-range.

Seriously i would build a "cat run" or what ever.
yeah i just got told by the neighbour its a mouse hehehe i feel better now.
btw we live in a suberban area were there is not any natives around thats why i thort the mouse looked weard. the cat has a bell and i cam from under the house which i can reach via a hole under the stairs. but you all like to attack each other to get your jollies so say what you want because once again you all are quick to accuse with out finding out all the facts.
Yeah, that's a rodent.

No offence Ruby, but bells don't work. In fact, research has found that the cats with bells become better hunters because they realise they have to move far more smoothly to prevent the bell from ringing.

If you're gonna put a bell around a cat's neck to stop them catching wildlife, then make it a church bell.


If you're all going to whinge about cats being outside then whinge about dogs being outside as well.

My cats only ever killed mice, they never have killed a native. My dog, like many other dogs, has killed heaps of birds, a lot of them being native.
Sorry if this offends anyone but why the hell is a cat in a position where it can catch native animals ? It should be indoor or caged. I am sick to death of seeing photo's of animals that cats have caught, tortured, mauled or killed.

i see where your comeing from as my cats are inside cats but i see more native animals dead on the roads from cars but no one wants to lock them up...JMO
My dog only kills mice, chases them big black crows, but doesnt harm any other bird, ive got 2 weiros so the crows try to get them.

The only i time i whinge about a cat being out side is when one pees on my car :mad:
Sorry if this offends anyone but why the hell is a cat in a position where it can catch native animals ? It should be indoor or caged. I am sick to death of seeing photo's of animals that cats have caught, tortured, mauled or killed.

I have to agree with you Boa. I spent a lot of time working on the Atherton Tablelands, lots of native wildlife up there and lots of feral cats. I know this will offend some but every cat I could line up with my car I took it out. They are so destructive and wipe out obscene numbers of our natives. If you love cats, please by all means keep them, but restrain them responsibly.

I have 3 dogs and none of them have killed any native wild life. I personally am not a fan of cats and would never own one but that's JMO (nothing against cat owners). The only thing I have against people owning cats is the one's that don't care and just let them roam around all day and night. The amount of cats I have going up and down my road everynight is just crazy, makes my dogs bark all night as well. One night I had a neighbours can spend 4 hours out my back yard trying to get into my parrots aviary I used to have.

There's one lady that lives down the road from us that must have at least 20 cats that just roam the streets, another lady has a different cat everyweek because they either get hit by a car, or they just get sick of them and let them go out in the local bush behind us. I personally think cats should have to be registered like dogs, and some stronger rules against people letting them roam free or day. On the same note there is proberbly just as many people with dogs that roam (once again poor ownership) but I guess you don't find dogs jumping your 6ft high fense to come in and see what they can kill or pee on. Once again JMO and not having a go at anyone that has a cat and is responsiable owner.

As a responsiable dog owner I make sure my dogs are kept secure from roaming and killing animals, I think cat owners should have the same responsiability and if they can't do this don't own one.
It's not like I was an irresponsible owner, the birds came into our back yard and practically walked into my dogs mouth.
when it comes down to it humans kill more native animals off
with habitat distruction,cars importing other non native speaces which isnt there fault but the people doing
my cat has never being out side so its never killed anything but cockroaches lol
but you can not blame cats as its no them you make the desgion to its in there nature
I have to agree with you Boa. I spent a lot of time working on the Atherton Tablelands, lots of native wildlife up there and lots of feral cats. I know this will offend some but every cat I could line up with my car I took it out. They are so destructive and wipe out obscene numbers of our natives. If you love cats, please by all means keep them, but restrain them responsibly.


man has destroyed more animales land and other lving things but you dont see me lining you up with my car do you?
when it comes down to it humans kill more native animals off
with habitat distruction, ........

Classic 'straw man' argument.
That doesn't make it ok to let a cat free roam.
I have 3 dogs and none of them have killed any native wild life. I personally am not a fan of cats and would never own one but that's JMO (nothing against cat owners). The only thing I have against people owning cats is the one's that don't care and just let them roam around all day and night. The amount of cats I have going up and down my road everynight is just crazy, makes my dogs bark all night as well. One night I had a neighbours can spend 4 hours out my back yard trying to get into my parrots aviary I used to have.

There's one lady that lives down the road from us that must have at least 20 cats that just roam the streets, another lady has a different cat everyweek because they either get hit by a car, or they just get sick of them and let them go out in the local bush behind us. I personally think cats should have to be registered like dogs, and some stronger rules against people letting them roam free or day. On the same note there is proberbly just as many people with dogs that roam (once again poor ownership) but I guess you don't find dogs jumping your 6ft high fense to come in and see what they can kill or pee on. Once again JMO and not having a go at anyone that has a cat and is responsiable owner.

As a responsiable dog owner I make sure my dogs are kept secure from roaming and killing animals, I think cat owners should have the same responsiability and if they can't do this don't own one.
in vic cats are registered like dogs.
i own cats and dogs and i do agree with the fact that there are too many cats roaming around the neighbour hood. but there is a diference between leaving you cats out 24/7 and having them in at night and out during the day.
our cats only bring in the odd mouse or two but no birds because during the day the birds arnt so easy to catch as it is during the night.
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