what do mites look like??

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Not so new Member
May 3, 2010
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ive spotted some tiny pin prick sized fast moving dots on one of my new dragons and was wondering if if could be mites??
I just googled bearded dragon and mites and found this, i hope this helps

Mites and your Bearded Dragon
by Jennifer Patton

Mites can be hard to detect because they are so tiny. The little critters can be black, brown, red or orange and you generally have to be looking for them to find them. Mites almost look like moving specs of dirt, so they can be nearly impossible to see. They tend to hide out in a lizard’s folds of skin, especially around the head, neck, legs and vent. They may also congregate around a source of heat like a rock or light. Any Bearded Dragon owner should periodically check for them, as they are a nuisance to your pet that could cause some nasty infections. There are many methods to get rid of mites, but the one I have chosen uses the least amount of potentially harmful substances and should be safe for your lizard.
the articale didnt state what method that ladie used. sorry
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