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A 6 metre carpet python eh...yeah, fella sounds like an expert alright.
The skin is so big - certainly enough for a handbag or a pair of shoes.

Haha my mum would say the same :rolleyes:

I cant belive they're getting in such a panic, its just a python for gods sake!

Snakes don’t bite you unless you poke a stick in their face

That is one very clever little 3 year old! Hes gunna grow up to be a good man, not one of those snake killing idiots.
Yeah, I saw who he was, and his comments show he is clearly one of the oldschool "work against it not with it" tools. He's in for a buck I'd say. Good business sense, terrifying the mass' of what you proclaim to protect them from, regardless of it being a real threat or not. Im pretty sure a few wars have gained initial support through the same means........
lol, makes me wonder if distributing a few large sheds around local parks will make irresponsible cat owner keep their cats indoors,...great idea really!!
"Lock up pets such as small cats, dogs, birds, mice and rats."

Who has their mice and rats outside anyways? And who has free range birds (other than chickens ofc) that arent already in a cage?..

It is almost like it's the most exciting thing to come out of Burton... am I seeing a B-Grade movie on the horizon?

Hiss.... coming to a cinema near you!
lol, makes me wonder if distributing a few large sheds around local parks will make irresponsible cat owner keep their cats indoors,...great idea really!!

I actually got a homeless bloke to move out from under the house I was about to move into by putting a complete 3.5m carpet python shed (considerably bigger than the snake it came from...) in the rafters under the house above his mattress.... Was easier than confronting an angry drunk bloke again...
"Mr Renton said the python was unlikely to be an escaped pet as its skin showed signs of snake mite - parasites that live on reptiles - which could only be caught in the wild."

Is that right..... damn i learn something new everyday!
"Mr Renton said the python was unlikely to be an escaped pet as its skin showed signs of snake mite - parasites that live on reptiles - which could only be caught in the wild."

Is that right..... damn i learn something new everyday!

Same here. I'm relatively new to having snakes (just over 2 years), but would have believed this prior to having them. Mr Renton is a TOOL! (apologies for the words, but anything else would have been swearing)
This idiot charges like a wounded bull to take away a snake from property too.
Can i have someones scrub Python shed to stop the neighbours letting their cats roam free?
God, people are stupid:rolleyes:
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