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insectovor "who be this" yes its me the one with the spinipes angle headed dragon "just let anyone this" have you got some of me just recently if so how is the male going. to slateman good on ya I dont want to see crap on this site either delete all you want
Professional herpetologist ... which basically means herping activities have paid the bills for so many years now that I've lost count ...

I started my working life as reptile keeper at the ARP, exhibited reptiles of my own for 8 years, and am now primarily as researcher.

I have a BSc in biochemistry & molecular biology and am currently working towards ending up with a PhD in tropical medicine. At the moment I'm studying snakebite in rural Papua New Guinea and am involved in research on Oxyuranus spp venoms and the possibilities of producing improved antivenoms for developing countries. I'm also collaborating on some taxonomic projects in Australia & PNG.

Mostly it's been fun :wink: ... but you always have to take the bad with the good... :? Nothing worth having comes easy ... and as the saying goes "news of my demise is somewhat premature"

Right now life is EXCELLENT... :D


G"day David I asked in one of the other threads to who you are, sorry never heard of you, but you sound like someone to my liking, my name is marc, I run a reptile rescue unit in Brisbane called Brisbane snake catchers it doesnt bring the dosh but that doesnt matter its a cool job, however making docos in PNG would somehow be cooler. Did you do a display at Sunnybank hills shopping centre some how your name is farmiliar to me it was about 10 years ago.
G'day Mark,

I did a number of exhibitions in Brisbane in the early '90's including Sunnybank Hills, so yes our paths have probably crossed ...


Hi David and welcome :),

Your name has me curious.
What's the diference between a toxinologist and a toxicologist? I'd never heard the term toxinologist before.

Hi Nicole,

Toxinologists are primarily concerned with toxins - compounds produced by animals, plants or microbes.

On the other hand a toxicologist deals with toxic compounds in the broader sense, covering not just the biological toxins but also the synthetic toxic compounds, heavy metals, toxic gases, liquids, poisons etc etc.


bkgone what steel fixer do?
David sound to me that you like what you doing and that you are proud to do this type of work. I think that you will find many jealous people here :D
Or maybe even provide the inspiration for some of our member to travel a similar path in life. Great to have you here mate :)
insectovor, the ackies are doing well, no eggs from your girl as yet, the other ackie eggs cooked in the incubator the thermostat died,yes yes I know i should have had a back up......

David what stopped you from continuing mobile displays, I thinking about doing it myself, is your docos going to air on Australian TV?
G'day Marc,

The main reason was that my central interest was no longer exhibiting reptiles, but had evolved into an interest in snake venom and the commercial potential of research into the medical uses of certain toxins.

Secondary to that every tall-poppy hunter in country was doing to me what people now do to Steve Irwin, and I was sick to death of other herpers and their apparent small-mindedness anyway.

If you throw in some bad business decisions, a business partner who sold both me and our shareholders out for the sake of a fast buck, and a NPWS that really is as corrupt as my self-appointed arch-enemy RH says it is ... a move into an academic career leaving most of that crap behind was VERY appealing...

As I said to someone else in a PM, if I had a dollar for all the times other herpers have run me down - usually without ever having even met me to begin with - I'd be a very wealthy man.

All that being said, I'm still here doing what I love doing, and I'm starting to redevelop an interest in communicating with people.

Over the last few years I've done quite a bit of behind the scenes documentary work ... Survival Anglia's VENOM; Discovery Channel's JULES MOST DANGEROUS etc ... Next year you'll actually see me in front of the camera for a change in a NGEO documentary on my snakebite research in PNG ... I don't have the Australian release date yet, but it will be out in the States in January 2004 and will probably get here a month or two after that. There's some cool stuff ... Papuan taipans, adders, GTP's scrubbies, d'Albert's etc ...


Hi David
I would appreciate if you can inform us later when you will have the date we can see your documentary on snakebite research in PNG. I am sure that many of us would like to see it.
Bit late for this post, but better late than never!! I work for the Government Executive...doing what you might ask? Amongst other things, I am a ticket seller....It is my job to sell tickets. I know I have succeeded when I am thanked by the client after receiving a ticket they do not desire. What else? Hmmmm.....I sample peoples breath. If it reaches a number I do not like, I bring them back to work with me for an hour or so. Sometimes if the number is really high, I take things off of them and this makes them mad. Occassionally so mad that they throw up. Then I have to get the cleaner in. Cleaning is not my job. I also get to spend my days driving around aimlessly. This is done in an attempt to curb naughtiness in everyday people. That is the magic of the car I drive. Other times I have to talk alot. I get to talk to people of all ages, genders and cultures. I like this bit very much. Alot of people talk really nicely back and this makes me smile. I have helped. Other times people refer to me as some sort fornicating female genetalia porcine person. This bit makes me giggle. They obviously know how much I love sex and bacon. I also have to bury myself in paperwork. I don't mind paperwork. Usually though, just as I am in the throes of wild passionate paperworking, the phone rings and I have to dash off somewhere to talk to more people. Hence my paperwork can get a little behind. is just a tiny sample of what I do when I am not talking to you wonderful people.
A tattooed woman in a police uniform, with a python, who talks dirty......
Who said there's no god? :twisted:
Stretch, intrested in the "talking to people" bit. made me wonder how much difficulty you have with this given multilingual naughty people lol. does police training encompass some level of learning other languages? I know police have interpraters but on the street? how do you make yourself understood to someone who babbles away at you in mandarin for example? or does the uniform do that for you?
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