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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2011
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Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Found these photos that I think are pretty cool.
This was the first time I had ever taken notice of reptiles for sale locally and was unaware of licensing ect at the time.
I seen this little guy in a bottom cabinet and was amazed, never seen anything like him before let alone for sale.



I did as much research as I could and ordered my licence, around the time it came I was unable to find any more carpets in local pet shops, I then found this little Stimson and made the jump to go for a smaller tamer python to begin with.

Well that's my rant done.
hahahaha, it was the same thing for me. I saw a python and it was an instant "I want one" moment :lol: But that was when I was 7...hee hee
It's a great way to get into reptiles ;)
Frogs were my 'gateway drug' a few years back, I found some tadpoles in a drying up puddle near my work and raised them to adult size then released them in my creek. (I didn't know about all the rules and regulations then). I loved frogs from then on and purchased Lola from the Royal Easter show. Next was my dragon Bruce and I never thought I would get a snake... I was wrong.
When i was six, the Milko (in ancient Australian civilisation the Milko was a legend of a man who used to deliver milk to your door - shove that up your clacker Woolies!) ran over a adult Eastern brown snake in front of our house. Apparently he was doing us all a favour by killing the monster before it had the opportunity to knock down our doors one by one and annialate the entire neighborhood. Anyway my much older but not very smart (at the time) brother got me to pick it up off the road and drag it into the front yard for closer examination. When the poor bugger reared a foot or two off the ground and had a go at me whilst I was dragging it I realised (who's the smart one now) that it wasn't actually dead.
Unfortunately it did die soon after and despite the fact that I was very sad, that experience was definately the catalst for my love of and obsession with all things reptile.
Yeh Iv always just been obsessed with animals, I had pet eel until he escaped.
I always loved reptiles I just didn't know they where common but when I seen that beauty for sale and started asking questions.
my storys a bit different my house backs onto national parks so we've always had visitors come up mostly tree snakes and coastals and when i was younger my dad had a nice big coastal , then he died of old age and dad didn't really want to get another in a hurry ( i think he took it harder than he led on at the time )

then when i was about 16 we started to think about getting another but the problem was talking my mum into it as she never liked the old one anyway , then unfortunately my dad passed later that year so those plans went out the window

after a very long time trying to convince my mum that i could do it on my own and would do plenty of research and it would never EVER escape , she finally gave in and now ive got my 2 womas and coastal , soon adding either a diamond or bredli , or both :)

When i was six, the Milko (in ancient Australian civilisation the Milko was a legend of a man who used to deliver milk to your door - shove that up your clacker Woolies!)
those guys are still out there , in remote ancient parts of australia ;) where i live at mullaway used to have a run but he stopped about a year ago now , im sure there still out there , somewhere
I remember the milko! (yes, I'm ancient). :D

About 6 years ago our local shopping centre had a Wild Animal attraction going for the school hols, so I took my son to see it and left him there while I shopped....came back to find him with a huge snake around his neck and a grin from ear to ear.
He wanted me to hold it to, so I did, and was pretty fascinated....the "huge" snake turned out to be a Stimsons...anyhow I got chatting to the guy in charge and we spoke for an hour or so about snakes, reptiles in general.
I expressed an interest in getting a snake for my son, he suggested a Stimsons....anyway, circumstances changed and we couldn't get one, so I forgot about that idea until last year when an acquaintance got a snake and posted pics, so I started researching, found the snake I wanted to buy (a 5 ft sweetheart of a Murray Darling) and that was in August!
Ive been in love ever since and learning more everyday. :D
I liked dinosaurs and i was chatting to a mates dad when i was about 15 or so and he said lizards are pretty close to dinosaurs why dont you get one?? i said where would i catch one???

Next day he drove me to reptile city and i was amazed... got a beardy and never looked back..

was always scared of snakes until i found out ( through APS) about ant hill pythons. A breeder contacted me after a thread i started and i almost got the anthill. In the end i got a pygmy stimi because of how calm she was.. After that my user name seemed silly. still to this day she is my go to python and i will have her to the very end..
well I was also one in love with dinosaurs watching land before time bout a million times when I was a kid catching skinks in the city then when I was in year 3 moved out west close to georges river and my first encounter was an eastern beardy rearing up pregnant I presume and also found babys running around so I continued to get my license when I was 13 and then just got fully into it now I absolutely love them aswell as most insects and will continue till the day I die and would do anything to preserve this magnificent family of animals`
I started keeping Western browns and black whipsnakes for a few days at a time when I was 6/7. I kept them in a cardboard box in my room, my parents hated snakes. i was never bitten even though i handled them like pythons. When I was 14, I found out I needed a license and got a Bredli a few months later. Never looked back.
Dr Harry on BH&G road testing small pets for apartment dwellers. 3 snakes and 6 frogs later I am looking for more enclosure space.
My passion started when I was a out 6 or 7, catching a diamond python down by the creek behind our house, keep it for a day or two, getting busted by mum and told to get rid of it.... That was 25 years ago and I've become more mature.... Now it's lacies for me.....
i have always loved all animals and wen i was 4 my dad rescued 3 blue tongues from a house that was being demolished by a company he worked for. he gave them to me as pets, back then licencing did not exist. after looking after them for years my interest grew as i got older i started reading about other reptiles and i ended up getting more.
My addiction started when I was 4yrs old, My parents took me and my brother to Lone Pine (QLD) and they had a big 6ft Diamond (I thought it was massive, lol) and when they let me pat it, I was hooked. I have been bugging mum since then to get a snake, only 16 years later, lol.
I love all reptiles though (Gecko's included lol)
I only really found out about reptiles a year ago at the reptile and frog expo in Newcastle wanted to get a frog but didn't know about licences so got a scorpion and recently have gotten 2 dragons and a thick tailed gecko and am now wanting to get more
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i got into reptiles well snakes i'm not really into lizards, when i was about 12 or 13 with a mate that was into them as well, we lived in the bush so not much to do except explore, we would walk all day around the bush catching browns, tigers and copperheads and more little whip snakes than ya could poke a stick at, i would just say to my dad " dad brad and i are going for a walk, gunna go try find some snakes" and he would say " ok, dont come home if ya get bitten cos i'm not gunna be the one to call ya mother and tell her" my mate and i always wondered why his tight backsided mum would never bring him to my place and make him ride his push bike the 17 km to my house(i'd meet him half way and we would catch snakes on the way home) if he wanted to come or my dad would go pick him up. i dont think she thought it was a good idea for a couple 12 or 13 year olds to be playing with venomous snakes.
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